Okay this is truly pathetic, Barry...


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Apr 24, 2005
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Needs a TOTUS to speak to 6th graders?


Update: Apparently this particular photo was taken while speaking to reporters. Still, the guy has to take a TOTUS everywhere he goes even for a 5 minute speech.

It's still pathetic.
I guess I am not at all surprised that this gets NO airplay on the networks (other than Fox), but how INSECURE can the POTUS be that he has to have the TOTUS with him to address 6th graders? Truly, an empty suit.
...in fairness, I guess he was actually going to address the media while announcing an appointment. So it's not quite as bad, though he is a scripted conman.
i think a hand written speech and a karaoke machine would have looked more professional in that setting, dose he really need all that equipment seems a little over kill. I wonder how long it took them to figure out the lighting
The man is in campaign/activist mode 24/7...
every moment before the camera is another moment to craft the Obama image.
Needs a TOTUS to speak to 6th graders?


Update: Apparently this particular photo was taken while speaking to reporters. Still, the guy has to take a TOTUS everywhere he goes even for a 5 minute speech.

It's still pathetic.

The President is just trying to be "official". Then again, maybe we should go back to the simple days when President Bush would have simply walked into the classroom sat in a chair and talked to the kids. On the other hand, President Obama was likely trying to give the kids the, 'I'm the President' impression, and thus leave an impression. It may be a little silly to some but I still think using the word "infectious" when referring to Magic Johnson beats the totus. :D

It guess it was a foregone conclusion that eventually Biden was going to rub off on Obama. :D
Okay, this one is better...

This is a committee meeting for crying out loud.


"HEY" MAYBE HE'S A ROBOT. NEVER HAD A REAL JOB,,NEVER WAS LAID OFF,,NEVER MET A PAYROLL,,NEVER WAS FIRED (everybody needs fired at least twice--gives you wisdom). Oh by the way that IMPORTANT job his wife had at that hospital in CHICAGO has never been filled.
I COULD MAKE A PERFECT SPEECH TOO,,ESPECIALLY IF IT WAS WRITTEN OUT FOR ME "TO READ". This is one reason why RUSH can't stand him,,RUSH has it right on his lips straight from his brain in a nonosecond. REAL SPEAKERS KNOW HE'S A PHONEY.
Obama to GOP: Don’t demonize me, teabaggers

posted at 4:20 pm on January 29, 2010 by Allahpundit


The liveliest momoment from a consistently lively (and entertaining) takeoff on “prime minister’s questions” at the House GOP’s retreat this morning. I’m kidding in the headline, needless to say: The One would never stoop to something as crassly partisan as calling someone a teabagger. He leaves that stuff, and the endless crap about “angry mobs” and “evil-mongers” and coded racism, to progressive water-carriers like Reid and Schumer and MSNBC, all of whom are gently, namelessly chastised here with a fleeting admission that “It’s not just on your side, by the way.” The money line about health care: “If you were to listen to the debate and, frankly, how some of you went after this bill, you’d think that this thing was some Bolshevik plot.” To which I say: Nonsense. A Fabian plot, certainly — some Democrats were even nice enough to admit it — but Bolshevik? Maybe only on Glenn Beck’s show.
This wasn’t supposed to be televised, incidentally, but both sides agreed to it at the last minute in the name of showing the public how bipartisan they are. The GOP figured it’d give them a platform to prove that they actually do have policy ideas of their own, but I think the format ended up benefiting Obama more than them. He was on camera the whole time; he did most of the talking; he got to show that he’s perfectly capable of extemporaneous debate even with multiple prepared challengers lobbing questions. (Which should have been clear after 20+ debates in 2008, but the TOTUS jokes have taken on a life of their own.) Even conservatives I follow on Twitter were saying that he seemed more appealing in this format than in his thousand speeches last year. Who knows? Maybe that means we’ll see more of this.
Two clips here. The first is the bit about Bolshevik plots, the second speaks for itself. Exit question: The other big winner today — Paul Ryan? Click the image to watch.
Update: Not surprisingly, White House aides tell HuffPo they’re ecstatic with how things went while GOP aides tell NBC it was probably a mistake to let the cameras roll. Oh well.

I'm not a big Obama fan but I was impressed with his performance here speaking totally off the cuff without a TOTUS.
The republicans did well too and we should see more of this type of "question period"
Interesting. You went to all the trouble to copy all of Allahpundit's links, but you didn't take a few seconds to separate the paragraphs.

Ah, well.
Interesting. You went to all the trouble to copy all of Allahpundit's links, but you didn't take a few seconds to separate the paragraphs.

Ah, well.

Oh ya
I forgot about your pet peeve :rolleyes:

This is hardly a lot of text....
I would like to see Bush(JR) and Obama on the tv show ,are you smarter than a 5th grader....my money is on the 5th grader

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