Old Member looking at getting another Mark VIII


Active LVC Member
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
San Angelo
Hey guys i was around here a little bit about 3 years ago.. I had a 96 Mark that i absolutely loved and hit a deer with it and totaled it.

Im on the hunt again for another mark but this time i want to go with the 2nd gen.. There isnt many mark's around here but i have found 2 pretty nice ones..

The first one is a 98 with 86k miles with the strutmaster conversion kit and everything else is original.. Hes only wanting 2k for the car.

He said no problems, no engine lights, leaks etc.. This one is about 250 mile away, so im looking at 500 mile round trip


Also found a 97 LSC Black on Black with 105k for 4k obo with factory air ride still operational. He said it doesn't leak down and he has replaced 2 rear bags within the last couple months along with the wheels. He also cut off the back mufflers and left the cats.. He said it sounds good and not annoying at all. The only 3 problems is one of the Hids burnt out a few weeks ago but he has a retrofit that will come with the car, also the blend door isn't operational and cd changer doesn't work.
He said he changed out the rear neon for a "glitch ballast" Im not sure what exactly that is.
He seemed alot more willing to give me all the info on the car.. Unlike the guy with the red 98 all he tells me is it runs good, and no cel light is on.. Kinda makes me wonder if hes trying to hide something.


Anyway just wanted to drop by to say hi and hopefully i will be back in a Mark pretty soon. I always enjoyed this forum and the members on it.
I'd go with the red one, no doubt. Blacky appears to have been around the block a few times, is still on air with busted hids and in need of the labor intensive blend door replacement.

"Glitch" is the name of an aftermarket rear neon ballast that a member sells. He passed away a few years back but his wife still sells them.

If the owner of the red car provided more pictures and it looks good then I'd go take a look at it first. For 2k I'd consider that a steal. Do expect both cars to have typical gen2 issues. Check hids, neon, seat trim, telesoping wheel, blend door ect. The more that works the better but don't let them be deal breakers.
Have them shoot you a picture of the rear window rubber seals to see if they are Lasagna. Should also help you.
Don't forget to check the front end. Around 100K miles they need work. Blend Door= check to see if it makes heat, and makes AC. A standard problem on gen 2 and not on gen 1. Car looks like it was taken care of. Black one has had a hard life. Come on up here, and I'll sell you my 97.

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