OMG local mechanic shop made me laugh!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 21, 2009
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Miami, FL(Home of the rust free MARK VIII's
So because of lack of tools & a nice hook up I have w/a local mechanic shop I decide to do the bearing swap at the shop instead of my house. Took the car in, saw my friend (NAPA Rep that works inside the shop) & he asked them to take care of me ASAP! Every mechanic that came by the car would look around, stare at it, stared at the Cobra logo then look at me like I'm an alien!:D

Finally my car get's moved into the bay, (I stay quiet) they start putting the forks in place so they can raise it... When I see the guy about to start raising the car I ask him; "Did you turn off my air bags?" He smiles & says; "This car has air suspension?" So another mechanic comes along & tells him that the switch is in the trunk. The mechanic working in the next bay looks at me & asks me; "Why do you want that Lincoln to be a Mustang if it's not the same car at all?" & before I answer the guy lifting my car says; "It's because these kids now a days love slapping on anything that sticks onto their front wheel drive cars!" All I did was laugh because I knew it was only a matter of time before they realized how they were FOOLS!

He finished raising the car & comes to the rear wheel... looks at it & tells me "Your car is rear wheel drive & it has independent suspension!" I laughed & told all of them; "I'm not so sure I want any of you working on my rear wheel drive, independent suspension, disk brake, Cobra engine MARK VIII anymore!":p Out of the blue a mechanic from the last bay comes over & says; "I heard you & wanted to see your car. They don't make them like this anymore! You must surprise a load of people with that engine! Not everyone knows these were the first Fords to carry them." SO I of course told him; "You sir are working only one touching my car! I can't believe the rest of you don't know what's under the hood of a Lincoln MARK VIII":D & he actually did, he swapped the bearing & did the work. They charged me $50.00 for everything so I truly can't complain, I didn't get my hands dirty & I impressed a bunch of retarded mechanics.
Yup, get that crap from time to time. They are rare and most mechanics are in their early 20's so they dont have much if any experieence with these cars. They usually warm up to the car when they see its a RWD car but they are more impressed by that engine thats shoe horned under the bonnet. :)
I have a habit of calling a certain car part a "deck lid". Anyone guess? :)

And nice story. Seems the mechanic up here are a little more educated. The few that work on my car love to get the chance.
Sorry, was watching Top Gear. :lol:

Wana see a clueless mechanic? Go see Jeremy Clarkson! :lol:
The man has no mechanical ability and will resort to using a hammer for all installs or repairs. Funny show though. They just cut their rental car in half with a plasma torch. :lol:

Aslo watching them actually get a car airborn on solid rocket boosters was hilarious! Or when the RC'd a Gee Whiz compact car....... or when Jeremy made the S series Benz with a cement floor and wood burning stove and wing back chairs in it.... :lol: ........ or when they launched a Rolls into a swimming pool.... or the Jag off an aircraft carrier.... :lol: :lol: or launching a Mini Cooper off a ski jump...... drag racing a Veryon and a McClaren F1... that was sex.

Best show on TV. :)
DECK LID! I call it the same thing,people look at me funny. I then tell them its the trunk.

And thats a funny story. I was 16 when I frist got my Mark VIII and I knew EXACTLY what was under the hood. Its not a cobra motor,we had it FIRST. The Cobra's have a Mark motor with a cool intake :p
Wana see a clueless mechanic? Go see Jeremy Clarkson! :lol:
The man has no mechanical ability and will resort to using a hammer for all installs or repairs. Funny show though. They just cut their rental car in half with a plasma torch. :lol:

Maybe ripped can get a part-time job with them.... :D
Wana see a clueless mechanic? Go see Jeremy Clarkson! :lol:
The man has no mechanical ability and will resort to using a hammer for all installs or repairs. Funny show though. They just cut their rental car in half with a plasma torch. :lol:

Aslo watching them actually get a car airborn on solid rocket boosters was hilarious! Or when the RC'd a Gee Whiz compact car....... or when Jeremy made the S series Benz with a cement floor and wood burning stove and wing back chairs in it.... :lol: ........ or when they launched a Rolls into a swimming pool.... or the Jag off an aircraft carrier.... :lol: :lol: or launching a Mini Cooper off a ski jump...... drag racing a Veryon and a McClaren F1... that was sex.

Best show on TV. :)

hands down best show ever. fifth gear is second t the top did you ever see the episode where they blew up a amg sl62? the car had like 2500km on it and boom out with the $25,000 power plant. or when jeremy clarkson destroyed the brakes on a brabus benz with like 700 hp i live for that show bonnets bums and decklids. ftmfw

if you have never seen the $1000 car challange in miami where they drove through the southeast you have to. it is an instant classic
Best Top Gear episode ever was when they went to VIETNAM on the bikes and they kept buying each other huge gifts
see but you called it a cobra motor, your mark VIII does not have a cobra motor, the cobra has a mark VIII motor! remember that!
see but you called it a cobra motor, your mark VIII does not have a cobra motor, the cobra has a mark VIII motor! remember that!

Couldn't agree more with you there. However to correct myself I did tell them I have the SAME engine that the Mustang Cobra has. What I didn't tell them is that my car is a 93 & it had the DOHC platform first! :slamOh well.
Well, I've got to stand up for my Cobra. :cool:

While the Mark VIII certainly used the 4.6L DOHC first, it's NOT a Cobra motor.

The hand built 96-98 Cobra motor has a forged 8 bolt crankshaft, better cam timing, a better intake manifold, and a better factory tune. The result was 305 advertised HP and a higher redline.
I've had something similar to that before... My local shop I used for alignments, the tech asked me why would I put a motor like that in my Buick...i was kinda stunned, I had never personally used the shop buy I knew they had an alignment bay, I would reffery customers there after I did any susspension or steering repairs...I don't reffer them anymore

305 in a cobra..that's only 25hp..exhaust and a little head work get Marks that much...and besides..brag on your higher hp If you want...the body of a mustang now looks RICE

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