

Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States

You know the sad part is that there is ppl that think it is kool to go to the site and take pictures. Look at the morons that got swept away while taking pix, and not running........humans are idiots! :Bang
1wykdmk8 said:
You know the sad part is that there is ppl that think it is kool to go to the site and take pictures. Look at the morons that got swept away while taking pix, and not running........humans are idiots! :Bang

Thanks to the media who pays for "If it Bleeds it Leads" Shots!!

and enough people who think they are Indestructible. Have you ever watched Natures Fury! Love seeing the tornado people scrabbling when they realize they were stupid.!!!
mespock said:
Thanks to the media who pays for "If it Bleeds it Leads" Shots!!

and enough people who think they are Indestructible. Have you ever watched Natures Fury! Love seeing the tornado people scrabbling when they realize they were stupid.!!!

It is not really the media...persay. It is in OUR nature as humans (if that is what you want to call us). It is in our nature to be intriqued by pain and discomfort. Look at the rating on those Police chase joints. Cali has chopters JUST for chase scenes.....the worse the better......more ppl run out JUST to be on the video than anything else.....what a bunch of nonsense.

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