On my 98 MARK VIII burned Inverter (ballast)

Alexander B. Sonin

Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Suffern, NY
On my 98 MARK VIII burned Inverter (ballast)
I paid to http://www.markviii.org/LOD2/inverter/InverterRAI.html
And soon it will get.
I do not know the causes of damage Inverter. How to check whether the Center Tail Light, and will not burn a new one?
Alexander :(

Lincoln MARK VIII Collector’s Edition #979
Staten Island NY 10308.
My E-mail: alsonin@yandex.ru
You can check for a direct short with a meter or pull the brake light from the car. It would only be a direct short to the body or across the wires.
Neon tubes either work or they don't.
Alexander, this is what Glitch(RIP) wrote on his order instruction page......

"All inverters are tested before they are shipped out, so please understand that this is an electrical device and can be damaged if your reflector has moisture or internal short."

The reason for your ballast getting damaged is initially caused by high exposure to moisture and once moisture gets inside the ballast, the moisture inside creates a conduit for high voltage to arc across vital internal circuits which possibly made a direct contact to negative ground. Once that happens, the entire ballast circuit draws too much current causing what is known as an internal short or short circuit and which could cause one of your fuses to blow or electrical connections inside the ballast melt and detach from the circuit board causing what is known as an open circuit.
Mine eats them, it also eats 3rd brake lights.
No doubt there is a short somewhere.

Check the wires that run along the trunk hinge.

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