...................Most Americans say they will attend a Christian service on either Christmas Eve or Christmas.
I guess they see themselves as Chistians..................
It's only a pagan ritual if your a pagan. Sometimes eating a wafer and sipping wine are just that too. (Does anyone actually worship a Christmas tree?)
All in all I found this to be a rather dull "Holiday" season, no "holiday" music in the stores, little or no "holiday" decorations in the stores and streets, no manger scenes to liven up the wide swaths of municipal grass, Radio stations to PC to throw in "holiday" tunes, TV to PC to run Christmas programs.
Thank you liberals for all your efforts to turn the "holidays" into just another dull, gray, rainy winters day. Guess I need to go to a bath house and party with the ACLU. At least they think AIDS is cool.
I realy hope those retailers who wanted your Chistmas shopping without supporting Christmas took it in the balance sheets this "holiday" season.