One preloaded racism explanation, coming right up!


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 30, 2005
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One preloaded racism explanation, coming right up!
Posted by Moe Lane

Via the Daily Caller we get to see the latest use of mass therapy to treat the crippling scourge of liberal lack of self esteem. Using your money.
If you think $50,000 doesn’t buy what it used to, think again. For that rough sum, a professor at UCLA has agreed to draw up a report that proves opponents of the Democrats’ health-care bill aren’t motivated by a sense of fiscal responsibility or a general distrust of back-room deals, but by race.

The kicker? Taxpayers are funding the study.

According to the study’s abstract, provided by the National Science Foundation, a government agency under the control of the executive branch: “This research project attempts to provide further evidence for this Obama-induced racialization by pinpointing the extent that health-care opinions are influenced by racial attitudes and determining Obama’s causal role in racializing public opinion about a policy that has no manifest racial content.”​
The guy’s name is David Sears, and he actually scored 52K for this - which is kind of impressive; usually people pay for psychological help. At first I was going to be upset about this, but then I realized: if the government’s just going to be giving away money for damfool notions like this anyway, you might as well take advantage of it. That’s why I’m going to request $250K to test the thesis that UCLA psychology professors who routinely assign racism as a motive for their political opponents got that way because they weren’t hugged enough as children, and never really knew their fathers. I need the extra money because I plan to do a control using psychology professors at the University of Hawaii, so obviously there’s going to have to be a travel budget there.

Also: UCLA psychology professors who routinely assign racism as a motive for their political opponents got that way because they weren’t hugged enough as children, and never really knew their fathers. Hey, it’s not like Dr. Sears also didn’t draw his graph, then plot his data points…

Moe Lane

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