Oops. Deleted tax discussion thread. Post again.

That's okay, it was being hijacked by the lib trolls anyway. :shifty:
Nice going Bryan....you swilling some of that high octane Canadian beer there???
Would you please repost that "FairTax" link again Fossten? I was interested in reading it.
RRocket said:
Nice going Bryan....you swilling some of that high octane Canadian beer there???
No suds for me for several months now. Been on the wagon.

Just got back from driving 1200 miles in 30 hours, the last 400 miles thru a snow storm and then need 3-1/2 hours to drive thru Chitcago at 20 mph. So I would say a little wired would be more like it.:D
MonsterMark said:
No suds for me for several months now. Been on the wagon.

Well, THAT's telling..... :p

As Church Lady would say, "Well, isn't THAT convenient!" Last I looked fossten was about to get his arse handed to him. :rolleyes:
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Well, THAT's telling..... :p

As Church Lady would say, "Well, isn't THAT convenient!" Last I looked fossten was about to get his arse handed to him. :rolleyes:

Bring it on, big boy. I'm always ready. Stop blustering and posturing, and JUST BRING IT, so I can shove it sideways up your candy a$$.
I dunno about that national "fair tax" stuff. I'm used to buying good tax-free from the good ole' free state of New Hampshire...:D

Tell ya' what, here's the type of taxes I'd like to see happen- liberal taxes. Since liberals love imposing taxes on us so much (cigarettes, beer, etc.), lets impose a few of our own on them. They can contribute their "fair share" as they always say. The following taxes will be implemented on:

Yoga class tax: 5%
New age candles tax: 5%
Volvo, Volkswagen, Saab, or minivan auto excise tax: 8%
Tofu tax: 3%
John Tesh or Kenny G concert tax: 10%
Banana Republic tax: 7%
DVD's staring Al Gore: 6%
Ivy League college tax: 15%
Imported or craft beer tax: 9% per bottle
Sparkling mineral water tax: 4%
evillally said:
I dunno about that national "fair tax" stuff. I'm used to buying good tax-free from the good ole' free state of New Hampshire...:D

Tell ya' what, here's the type of taxes I'd like to see happen- liberal taxes. Since liberals love imposing taxes on us so much (cigarettes, beer, etc.), lets impose a few of our own on them. They can contribute their "fair share" as they always say. The following taxes will be implemented on:

Yoga class tax: 5%
New age candles tax: 5%
Volvo, Volkswagen, Saab, or minivan auto excise tax: 8%
Tofu tax: 3%
John Tesh or Kenny G concert tax: 10%
Banana Republic tax: 7%
DVD's staring Al Gore: 6%
Ivy League college tax: 15%
Imported or craft beer tax: 9% per bottle
Sparkling mineral water tax: 4%

Evilally, that's probably the best I've ever seen you post. Brilliant. :cool:

Let me add a couple:

Anti-war protest tax: $50 per person
Media lie tax: $100 per lie
Bush-bashing tax: $20 per bash - should balance the budget within 8 months
Stupidity tax: $100 per liberal - to be redistributed to the evil rich smart Rethuglikkkans
MonsterMark said:
Based on the last election, that is about $5.7 billion. Not enough to deal with these kinds of people.

Ouch.... LOL...

Personally - Im in favor of a national sales tax. That includes internet sales.

I'll explain why.

How many tradesmen (plumbers, electricians, etc) do side work? How many report it as income? How many people make a living on ebay and never report it?

Drug Dealers gotta spend their earnings - think they report them now? Same with any other illegal professions.

Wanna give the economy a push? Drop the rate.

Think of the money saved by the IRS not having to chase after all those individual income tax returns.

You could have certain catagories that are on a different schedule. i.e. Stocks, groceries, automobiles, homes, etc. Could all be on different rates. Wanna boost the housing market, just drop that rate.
Joeychgo said:
Ouch.... LOL...

Personally - Im in favor of a national sales tax. That includes internet sales.

I'll explain why.

How many tradesmen (plumbers, electricians, etc) do side work? How many report it as income? How many people make a living on ebay and never report it?

Drug Dealers gotta spend their earnings - think they report them now? Same with any other illegal professions.

Wanna give the economy a push? Drop the rate.

Think of the money saved by the IRS not having to chase after all those individual income tax returns.

You could have certain catagories that are on a different schedule. i.e. Stocks, groceries, automobiles, homes, etc. Could all be on different rates. Wanna boost the housing market, just drop that rate.
You're speaking my language now, Joey! :Beer

And don't forget all the hidden costs inside prices of consumer goods as a result of corporate taxes. Those would be gone as well, so the prices would stay about the same. You could do away with 95% of the IRS.
I dont know what to do with corporate taxes - thats a different issue. Corporations should be taxed on income, not expenses, so a sales tax on them wouldnt work.

But on an individual level - yeah - dump the personal income tax and go to sales tax. Yes, we could chop the majority of the IRS - partly because the states already have the sales tax reporting and collection systems in place and it could be piggybacked on that.

Where we would also save would be on accounting. A business wouldnt need a payroll department or service to calculate all the different taxes and file all the reports. We wouldnt need to hire H&R block in March every year, etc. except to handle State Taxes. The IRS would virtually be out of the individual citizen's life.

Wanna know who would get richer though -- Credit Card Companies. They would now be lending the sales tax and collecting interest on it. I would consider writing a law that forbid them from doing that, charging interest on sales tax.
:q:q:q:q it, drop a couple of nukes and end the" war" and use the 100 billion dollar war budget and spend it here in the states-Its not like any of us could use a tax break or schools built or have roads ,bridges and damns repaired !!!!!! and what about 14billion in CASH that the U.S has spread over in Iraq that is unacounted for, these are our tax $s BEING THROWN AWAY.Now they propose a plan to tax my health care bennys kiss my @@#$%^&*arse

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