Open door-bell driving me nuts!!


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 11, 2005
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One more brainbuster...

How can I listen to my radio while working on my car with the doors open without having to hear the pulse of the damn open-door-bell? 150 points (that don't mean anything) to whoever can answer this question!!

Thanks again

D r e w
dude - just take a screw driver and 'trip' the latch in the door. The door will think it is closed.

just remember to pull the outer door handle (to open the latch) before closing the door at the end of the night.
Yeah i've noticed it doesnt have the little pin type switch. Very important advice, dont make the mistake of shutting the door without opening the latch, very good chance you'll f*ck it up.
Dude i have slammed it a couple times with the switch tripped. Funkin Sucks!! God i could still here the thud now.
Haha.. the cringe of that sound... Thanks for the advice guys!! 150 Points that don't matter to QuikLS!
i Actually ripped apart my gauge cluster. I found the little speaker it came from. I used a few layers of electrical tape, and covered it up.
It still makes the sound , but its muffled, not as loud.

I did this when i first got my LS, that sound was so obnoxious!!!
if you trip the door latch them you've told the LS that the door is closed - so all the interior lights, puddle lights, ...etc all turn off. No sense having draw on your battery if you don't need it.
Quik LS said:
if you trip the door latch them you've told the LS that the door is closed - so all the interior lights, puddle lights, ...etc all turn off. No sense having draw on your battery if you don't need it.

ive tripped it before and went nuts tryin to untrip it... ur sayin all u have to do is pull up on the exterior door handle and it will fix it??
Unless it's really gummed up. Then you might have to actually assist it back to the open position with a screw driver. Just watch the latch when you pull the handle and make sure it pops back.

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