Opening trunk


LVC Member
Apr 22, 2006
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I recently purchased a 93 Mark VIII that came with no keys. When I got the car I could open the trunk using the remote switch on the driver's door. The switch will no longer open the trunk. Any suggestions on how I can gain access to the trunk.
414Boy said:
I recently purchased a 93 Mark VIII that came with no keys. When I got the car I could open the trunk using the remote switch on the driver's door. The switch will no longer open the trunk. Any suggestions on how I can gain access to the trunk.

buy a new keyless entry system
check the fuse first but you ca bypass the switch manually just jump it
JoeyGood said:
check the fuse first but you ca bypass the switch manually just jump it

I took the rear seat out today and I can get into the trunk that way, but can't seem to figure out how to open the trunk.

If all fails what do I do to "jump it"?
if the fuse is not the issue take the switch out and and jump the wires under it sort of like hotwireing the car but your only doing the switch
JoeyGood said:
if the fuse is not the issue take the switch out and and jump the wires under it sort of like hotwireing the car but your only doing the switch

The fuse is fine. I took the switch out and jumped the wires with no luck.

So does anyone know how to open the trunk while on the inside of the trunk (I went in through the back seat)?
OK silly question but was the ignition key in the on position or the car running when you did this? Or you should be able (while inside the trunk and can see the cable leading out from the lock) take a pair of small needle nose pliers and either pull or push to spring it. Once open change the lock.
BTW if jumping the wires didn't do it and the fuses are good might be a relay switch gone bad
414Boy said:
The fuse is fine. I took the switch out and jumped the wires with no luck.

So does anyone know how to open the trunk while on the inside of the trunk (I went in through the back seat)?

how did u fit between the x brace behind the seat? lol
If you got into the trunk look on the passenger side trunk hinge for the unlock code to the touchpad (white sticker).

I suspect the relay is bad, but this would at least give you one more method to try.
yeah, after you type in the code on the door pad you can hit the 4-5 button to pop the trunk
(or the 2-3 button for passanger door)
I wonder if the wires broke in the trunk...that happened to me. The harness by the driver's side trunk hinge.
my95mark8 said:
I wonder if the wires broke in the trunk...that happened to me. The harness by the driver's side trunk hinge.

Thanks for all the help with this one. The wires leading to the release "broke".
I took out the rear seat, cut the X-brace with tin snips, climbed into the trunk, and connected the wires. Shortly after I was back in business.
with my keyless entry, i can put in my 5-digit code plus another number and it opens the trunk also. dunno if that can work for yours
or you could just borrow or buy a key fob for a mark viii and program it to your has a trunk button on it... if its borrowed just give it back and they re-program it for their car... easy as pie
did ya try pressin the button on the inside of the driver's door :D
Quote 414boy-

When I got the car I could open the trunk using the remote switch on the driver's door. The switch will no longer open the trunk.

^^^answer your question? :p^^^
You can't open the trunk from indie the trunk. The mark VIII's don't have the safety release. It's only newer cars that have it. some idiot problably locked himseld in the trunk, and now it's a Federal mandate to put the effing in-trunk release mechanisms in there.
Frogman said:
some idiot problably locked himseld in the trunk, and now it's a Federal mandate to put the effing in-trunk release mechanisms in there.

NAHHH i think it was all the all the kidnapings murders and stuff.

from the movie ANALIZE THAT! "Look at how much room you get, enough to fit 2 bodies in there" :cool: :cool: :D
Agreed joey, ive seen too many things on discovery that show people in the trunk of thier car while someone is driving to take them for thier death.
JoeyGood said:
NAHHH i think it was all the all the kidnapings murders and stuff.

from the movie ANALIZE THAT! "Look at how much room you get, enough to fit 2 bodies in there" :cool: :cool: :D

lololol I've gotten 5-6 in the trunk with room for a trip to the mall!!! lolol 2 bodies...pssshaa! (it is difficult getting them in the argumentative trunk opening, lolol

PM me hun, I've got a fob you can have, just surrender.....ur addy...and a pic in the Guys Guys Guys thread. :D ..(but in no means a requirement, fobs yours if you want it hun,...).

yeah, usually....if it was workin, and it ain't now...either fuse or flow...good dick work HOTTIES (ummm damn, was gonna apologize...but...that sounds HOT!!!!)


from the sound of things a fob wont help him either. either the trunk actuator died or its not getting signal. he has to get the trunk open manually.

go to the dealer and see of you can get a new trunk key cut. anyone with manager level can get the key codes from ford. i DONT know if they can get them for a car this old though.

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