Outside weather strips and moldings


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 24, 2005
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South Gate
hey fellows i was wondering if you guys applied anything to the outside trimming to your car? if so what? i was thinking of applying some armorall wasnt to sure....
DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT put armor all or anything on your door Pillars... They oxidize badly as is and that's not a help.
I'm not really sure... the molding around the windshield on mine is coming off, I have to get it reglued or something... also the rear trunk lincoln/chrome piece is trying to seperate from the car too =/. Not sure what product to use so I might just run by the service shop and see if they have something they can throw on there.
I had tried everything on my molding and nothing had worked. Mine was pretty awful. Then I bought some high gloss black vinyl and redid all my window trim. It turned out great. Looks like Black Magic is on my car 24/7. I've had it on for about 8 months now and it's never peeled off or anything, even with weekly washes. You can get a big a$$ roll on ebay for around 15 bucks.

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