Dedicated LVC Member
On the way to work I had little to no heat, this happened for a short period last week as well so I thought nothing of it as it's -5 degrees out. Well today it wasn't working at all, it just spiked and threw the check coolant Temp about two minutes from work. I put her in N, turned it off and coasted to the light. Restarted and it fell but quickly went back up, had to do it 2 more times until the car decided enough was enough and leveled out, she started to produce heat at the same time it got back to normal. The last message was low coolant, I did not get this warning before it overheated, just the 'check engine temp' as it was almost pegged. I haven't been able to check it thoroughly but the overflow....Overflew.
I'm thinking thermostat.
I'm thinking thermostat.