

Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 4, 2007
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On the way to work I had little to no heat, this happened for a short period last week as well so I thought nothing of it as it's -5 degrees out. Well today it wasn't working at all, it just spiked and threw the check coolant Temp about two minutes from work. I put her in N, turned it off and coasted to the light. Restarted and it fell but quickly went back up, had to do it 2 more times until the car decided enough was enough and leveled out, she started to produce heat at the same time it got back to normal. The last message was low coolant, I did not get this warning before it overheated, just the 'check engine temp' as it was almost pegged. I haven't been able to check it thoroughly but the overflow....Overflew.

I'm thinking thermostat.
If you can get your cap of at work, spend a few minutes burping the system.

Sounds like you just really low on coolant, notice leaking anywhere?
If you can get your cap of at work, spend a few minutes burping the system.

Sounds like you just really low on coolant, notice leaking anywhere?

I plan on burping it when I get home depending on what I see during lunch. I can do it at work but I doubt my little 1/4" adapter would hold up enough to get it off.

The radiator has a slow leak below 30 degrees, has so for the past 3 years. :) Every winter I get a check coolant message about once a month, I put a couple cups in and go on my marry way. :shifty:
coolant temp spike is usually low coolant.
combine that with a known leak...

I checked it last week and again this weekend when I was scoping out with my block heater. I went out during lunch and the resv is low and didn't see anything under the car minus where residual coolant dripped down under the resv.
Ever replace your coolant temp sensor? Probably not your whole problem, but it could be contributing.


And to think I fuggered that gif up. Oh well. I actually added some info in the above post. :)
It has got to the point were it is leaking faster then it was.
Putting your coolant to the level were you cant just fill it from the over flow.
Fill it at crossover.

Watch to see if it ever pushes coolant out of the overflow again.
Pushing out of the overflow is not a good thing.
It can also lose coolant out of the tail pipe, also not a good thing.

Ever see white smoke?

How many miles on this engine?
It has got to the point were it is leaking faster then it was.
Putting your coolant to the level were you cant just fill it from the over flow.
Fill it at crossover.

Watch to see if it ever pushes coolant out of the overflow again.
Pushing out of the overflow is not a good thing.
It can also lose coolant out of the tail pipe, also not a good thing.

Ever see white smoke?

How many miles on this engine?

Def something i'm going to keep my eye on, though I think i'd would notice if she was leaking more than normal. I always make sure to take a quick peak when I leaves parking spots to see if it left any presents behind. It has to be going somewhere unless I was seeing imaginary line in the resv.

No white smoke and it is (was) pretty fresh. Only thing wrong with it is the Radiator when it's cold out and what I suspect is a trans dipstick o-ring leak. Car has 155k, this is the first time it has overheated in 7 years.
....doesn't sound "minty" as stated in D.D.s For Sale thread.. :shifty:
....doesn't sound "minty" as stated in D.D.s For Sale thread.. :shifty:

Lol, was thinking the same thing sapp, lol ☺️

Can't a guy TRY to be funny?

Thought it was obvious due to the 'Runaway' smilie. :)


I don't know what to say... I got the xover open at work and put in what I had in the trunk and went straight a nearby walmart for some more. Damn thing was pretty darn dry. Filled it up and drove the 12 miles home trouble free. Once it cools down it'll get checked again. Still don't see anything visible but it looks like i'll have to utilize that radiator that's sitting in the garage. :rolleyes: Fack
putting in a radiator is super easy.
it could be worse.

I tried last year but my trans lines were seized. I didn't want to risk being car-less so I just put it all back together and haven't touched it since. I'll be having a buddy do it. He has a lift, heated garage and more importantly tools and the knowledge to fix the lines if we have to saw them off..
does the radi leak go both ways? i.e. fluid out and air/gas in? exacerbating the need for burping?
does the radi leak go both ways? i.e. fluid out and air/gas in? exacerbating the need for burping?

No idea, but I just dug in and it's not as slow of a leak as it once was. This winter is killing me. :(
I tried last year but my trans lines were seized. I didn't want to risk being car-less so I just put it all back together and haven't touched it since. I'll be having a buddy do it. He has a lift, heated garage and more importantly tools and the knowledge to fix the lines if we have to saw them off..

Please don't cut them, that's just asking for trouble. Spray them with some penetrating oil. If anything, brake the trans cooler tanks first.

LVC & Sawsalls don't mix.
An $80 trans cooler (even a used one from an AWD/4x4 exploder) a 3" piece of 1/2" hose, 4 zip ties and a little bending and cutting would solve that issue
Just hurry up and replace the radiator before you have to replace the engine as well
Mine had a crack in the radiator. It was a very small crack and a slow leak but it got to the point where it would get hot. It wouldn't overheat but it got to the top of the "NORMAL" section. The '97 had a good radiator so I just switched them out. Now I have no leaks and she stays perfectly normal now. My next project is to use the power steering fluid cooler from the '97 as a transmission fluid cooler on the '95. Hopefully it'll work. But yeah, if you've got a radiator leak, you should just replace the radiator to avoid even more problems in the future.
Mine had a crack in the radiator. It was a very small crack and a slow leak but it got to the point where it would get hot. It wouldn't overheat but it got to the top of the "NORMAL" section. The '97 had a good radiator so I just switched them out. Now I have no leaks and she stays perfectly normal now. My next project is to use the power steering fluid cooler from the '97 as a transmission fluid cooler on the '95. Hopefully it'll work. But yeah, if you've got a radiator leak, you should just replace the radiator to avoid even more problems in the future.

Nooooo ..that's WAY too small

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