OVERHEATING Again??? 2000 Lincoln LS V8 #advancedmanagementsolutions


New LVC Member
Jul 23, 2015
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Little Rock
So, this might be a lengthy read as I have read almost all post related to why my 2000 Lincoln Ls V8 Might be and still overheating... So let me begin with this cracked nutshell I call my brain...

Recently Recovered my vehicle after years of mistreatment from a unauthorized family in law... The vehicle did not run at the time, but after having the Guys a Joes Garage work on my car, it started and would over heat, but nothing major, a heater on high fixed that.

Recent Basic Overheating work
Thermostat - Still Overheating, coolant began to leak after from different areas and pipes shows dry rotten damage.
waterpump - Still overheating, coolant temperature is still running hot, car is overheating a rapid rate, unable to drive bc of fail Safe mode.
Hydraulic pump actuator - changed out noticed that the fan is running at a safer temperature, and take twice a long to run hot, still overheating after 15 mins. But pipes and enine is cool to touch, nothung that stands out as why the vehicle would continue to overheat...

Major overheating work:
Cylinder Head Sensor - Located directly under Intake Manifold... replaced sensor, new battery for trunk, new everything, I put it together and the car wouldn't start, let car sit to cycle thru new codes and was able to start the car today on my bday after 3 days of sitting and she started, however, the 2000 lincoln LS V8 is still overheating, same as before... with no difference,stayed cool but once I put it in drive and up the hills, she'll run hot again.

Now I've tried and done everything that was recommended and advised, yet I'm still left with a underlying issue...


THANKS John Bounkhong #advancedmanagementsolutions
And what are the chances that it might be just a relay #5 auxiliary coolant pump or fuse that is causing an electronic sensor issue?

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