Overheating Diagnosis


LVC Member
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
southern california
Had an earlier post about sudden redline overheating. Opinions ranged from thermostat to fan. Dealer said the system had air in it... Never heard this one before. Said they "burped" it and refilled and everything is fine. This make sense to anyone?

You have to burp the system through the head pipe, there is a 1/4 drive headed cap, you remove the cap and fill to the top while its running and burp the system.
Yes on the initial refill, do it cold, then remove the head pipe cap and the res. cap. Fill FROM HEADPIPE only until you see the level rising and spilling over in the res. Re-install both caps, start engine, let idle while watching the temp gauge. If she still runs hot there is air in the system, just pop the headpipe cap again (when cooled) and SLOWLY refill, you may have to do this several times.
badbolr said:
I had the fluid flushed is the only change...
Except that they didn't 'burb' the system. The air pocket moves to the thermostat and then the car overheats.
Overheating post review

Hey Monster, can you check out my post titled "Sister Overheating" and give me your opinion. I'm not confident this dealer has a clue...

That is exactly what happened to my Mark, they burped the system and the temp went back to normal.

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