

Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Rock Island, IL
Ok, my 96 is having some overheating problems. For the past 2 weeks or so the "low coolant" message has been popping up. I filled the reservoir and a few days later the message pops up again, and the reservoir is nearly empty. Today when I was driving my temp. gauge was almost to the red, so I quickly pulled over. I opened the hood, and the coolant reservoir was completely full. I let it cool down for a while and the reservoir was again empty. I drove it home and turned the heat on while driving to try to keep it cooler, but my heater was blowing cool air. Does anyone know what the problem is? Thanks in advance guys.
the coolant is going somewhere.do a pressure test on the system. hopefully the low coolant level is only from a external leak. not internal.
rmac694203 said:
Ok, my 96 is having some overheating problems. For the past 2 weeks or so the "low coolant" message has been popping up. I filled the reservoir and a few days later the message pops up again, and the reservoir is nearly empty. Today when I was driving my temp. gauge was almost to the red, so I quickly pulled over. I opened the hood, and the coolant reservoir was completely full. I let it cool down for a while and the reservoir was again empty. I drove it home and turned the heat on while driving to try to keep it cooler, but my heater was blowing cool air. Does anyone know what the problem is? Thanks in advance guys.
sounds just like what i had, my water pump was leaking just put bars in it and i have not had a leaking prob since, but i will be replaceing my water pump soon so its just a temp fixed, keep toping it off with water till you can fix it.
Markviiiedrea said:
sounds just like what i had, my water pump was leaking just put bars in it and i have not had a leaking prob since, but i will be replaceing my water pump soon so its just a temp fixed, keep toping it off with water till you can fix it.

What do you mean put bars in it? Is that like a sealant or something?
Markviiiedrea said:
sounds just like what i had, my water pump was leaking just put bars in it and i have not had a leaking prob since, but i will be replaceing my water pump soon so its just a temp fixed, keep toping it off with water till you can fix it.

Temporary is the key, I wouldn't ever fix a coolant loss problem with stop leak, bars, or anything like that.You're just asking for reoccuring problems. As previously stated, do a pressure test, and the leak will be apparent. I would also discourage the top it off until you can fix it idea. I've got a Continental in my driveway with a cracked head because I thought it would be ok if I topped it off every day. If the leak is a gasket or something and completely goes while you're driving, damage could be done before you realize it.
Yha bars stop leak, but be careful some stuff might clog up your radiator, prestone stop leak works to, try to find the leak though and fix it before you try stop leak. Might be something easy like a hose.
I'm confused though, would a leak in the system cause all the antifreeze to back up into the reservoir? In my last car there was a slow leak, but it never backed up like that.
as the engine gets hoter the flud expends , so it looks like there is more when running for a while. allways fill when cold.
It would expand enough to go from nearly empty to completely full? Oh and there was a hissing noise coming from the cap, I figured from the pressure.

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