Oxygen Sensors, Will it cause ruff idle and driving???

I know that the COP could be the cause. I had the CEL checked and my number 8 was misfiring and I had a malfunctioning O2 sensor bank 2 sensor 2. I figured the O2 error was caused by the misfire so I replaced the #8 Cop but still rough idle and Driving
well if it was the post cat bank 2 then it definitely is not the problem but there are two pre-cat snsors sor if it was s2s1 which is how i believe they document the bank2 sensor 1 and s1s1 is bank 1 sensor 1 both of the aforementioned would be pre-cat sensor and do impact AF trim so it could possibly be the sensors.

Did they record the output from thesensors? If so did they give you a copy. You are looking at about 50 bux per sensor. I would not bother with replacing the post cat sensor as they do not contribute to AF trim calculations. They are merely there for testing the effectiveness of the cats.

If you can post the DTCs that would be a big help.
the codes were P0156 and P0308
:mad: CEL on again got it check COP #2 bad

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