P. Diddy Survives 'Vote or Die' Attempt


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Mar 2, 2004
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United States
P. Diddy Survives 'Vote or Die' Attempt

(2004-11-04) -- Rap star Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs is reportedly in stable condition after surviving a self-inflicted 'Vote or Die' attempt on Tuesday.

Despite millions of dollars, and countless appeals by popular youth role models, like Mr. Diddy and filmmaker Michael Moore, young people turned out to vote in historically typical percentages, rather than the flood tide Democrats had expected would sweep John Forbes Kerry into the White House.

Mr. Moore said he has confidence that his young fans, who cheered him wildly during his nationwide 'Slacker Uprising Tour', will turnout to vote eventually.

"But we need to wake them up and get them to the polls before they have jobs, children, financial responsibilities or faith in God," said Mr. Moore. "Once that happens, they lose their progressive idealism."

by Scott Ott
ya we were talking about that in school, 17 percent of teens voted in 2000 and 17 percent in 2004, problem is most of the kids that like Kerry are potheads and most likly thought voting day was the 3rd :slam
I've read the articles, seen Diddy's appearences on the Today show, Daily Buzz and the like seen, him countless times on MTV,Vh-1 et.al. and have been generally overexposed to his "Vote or Die!" cult movement. However, can anyone tell me what in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks this FOOL is talking about? EVERY time he shows up on my TV screen All he can say is: We, the young people of this nation, need to get out and vote. Diddy-bag sounds like a broken-down android who'se voice-chip is stuck on the same freaking sentence! Does this guy not have an original bone in his body? Or is this like his music,obviously another's creation thought up as his own. P. Diddy really makes the cliche` "A legend in his own mind" really come to life in high-definition and beyond! Can anyone out there really tell me how this movement came to be or what it is about other then getting the MTV-bred sheeple to vote Democratic? (Even then you had to (not) think of what Puffie was talking about!) (BTW< Isn't Puff-Puff like 31 or 32? If so, I'd like to boot his A** out of the GEN-X representative crew! This fool's a shame to any generation!)
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