Paint issues


New LVC Member
Dec 4, 2006
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I bought my car used from a certified dealer at 27k miles. Now at 46k, my paint is flaking all over the front and rear bumper covers. My stock warranty is good to 50k. Would this be classified as a "paint failure" and would this be covered?:confused:
Fortunately for me, I don't have any experience with this problem. But it sure seems like it should be covered unless they can prove that it was caused by something that you did.
The bumpers were repainted by a crappy body shop at some point before you bought it. Not much the warranty can do about that i'm afraid. However, The dealer you bought it from might be willing to pay for them to be redone. For that matter, they MIGHT have been the ones who had the bumpers repainted in the first place.

At the dealership I work for we get used cars in all the time with scraped up bumpers. There's no way a car will sell like that, so we have to have them replaced or repaired and repainted.

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