Pakistan poses the true nuclear weapons threat


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 9, 2004
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NE Indiana
Posted on Sun, Dec. 12, 2004

Robert Scheer

Pakistan poses the true nuclear weapons threat

Robert Scheer

If it had been even a primitive nuclear weapon that hit the World Trade Center three years ago, hundreds of thousands of people would have died instead of fewer than 3,000, and the free society we enjoy almost certainly would have been a casualty as well.

In the shock of that moment, the administration probably would have created a national network of detention camps for suspected terrorists, and military retaliation might have included the launch of nuclear missiles with the capability of killing millions.

All of which is exactly why it was so terrifying to read in an investigative article in the Los Angeles Times recently that our “allies” in Pakistan, who have done so much to spread nuclear weapons technology in recent years, are still capable of doing so.

“Senior investigators said they were especially worried that dangerous elements of the illicit network of manufacturers and suppliers would remain undetected and capable of resuming operations once international pressures eased,” the Times reported. The article dissected the inability of investigators worldwide to fully penetrate the illicit nuclear weapons bazaar, which was run until last year by Pakistan’s top nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan.

Khan is currently under the protection of Pakistan’s military dictator, President Pervez Musharraf, the same man who pardoned Khan and refuses to allow foreign investigators to speak with him. Yet it was Musharraf whom President Bush spent the weekend praising and accommodating.

As the Times article made clear, what “officials call the world’s worst case of nuclear proliferation” – in which sophisticated nuclear technology was supplied to Libya, Iran and other rogue nations – never would have been possible without the support of the Pakistani military. This is the same complex and powerful organization that made Pakistan a dictatorship in a 1999 coup by Musharraf. Yet within two years of this coup, Bush dropped U.S. sanctions against Pakistan, showing clear disregard for international non-proliferation restraints. The rationale then and now was Pakistan’s alleged support in the “war on terrorism” after 9/11.

And despite the exposure of the Khan black market ring, nothing has changed: In a recent White House meeting, Bush honored Musharraf – who since seizing power has purged his country’s Supreme Court and rewritten its constitution – as a “courageous leader.”

The administration again hastened to explain that Musharraf was vital in the three-year effort to capture Osama bin Laden “dead or alive,” as Bush frequently has proclaimed. How embarrassing then, when hours later Musharraf conceded in a Washington Post interview that bin Laden’s trail had grown completely cold but that the arch-terrorist is still very much alive and functioning.

Musharraf complained that attempts to pin down bin Laden and his al-Qaida operatives had been seriously undermined by what he politely called “voids” in U.S. troop commitments to the area, which are equal to a mere 15 percent of the U.S. forces in Iraq. The U.S. strategy instead has been to rely on Pakistan’s military to trap bin Laden, a dependence that Bush administration officials have cited while refusing to pressure for access to Khan.

Musharraf complains that calls for international access to Khan show “a lack of trust” in Pakistan, but his real problem is the scientist’s enormous popularity as the “father” of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb program. Khan “has been a hero for the masses,” said the general who has survived several assassination attempts and faces the possibility of a revolt if he tilts too far toward the West.

Meanwhile, Bush is so eager to cater to Musharraf that he is even championing the dictator as key to the creation of a democratic Palestinian state “that is truly free. One that’s got an independent judiciary; one that’s got a civil society; one that’s got the capacity to fight off the terrorists; one that allows for dissent; one in which people can vote. And President Musharraf can play a big role in helping achieve that objective.”

What balderdash. None of those conditions of a free society exists in Pakistan, nor are they likely anytime soon in U.S.-occupied Iraq.

Yet while we chase the chimera of democratizing the Islamic world through the use of force, the true cost of this crusade can be measured by our indifference to our original justification of the Iraq invasion: stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

And there’s no margin for error here. Next time the terrorists could take Manhattan and a whole lot more.

Robert Scheer writes a weekly column for the Los Angeles Times.
Pakistan is definitely a risk. But they ALREADY have nuclear weapons and now we have to manage the threat as best possible. One way we do that is to help make sure that an Islamo-fascist regime can't oust the current government of Pakistan. This is one of the reasons why American forces can't storm Pakistan looking for Bin Laden. The political fallout in that country upon seeing U.S. forces would critically damage the stablility of that government.

So what is the point of this article? It's just another bitter partisan lashing out without even thoroughly understand the situation he is critical of. He's another foolish, idealistic liberal who thinks that we have the luxury of chosing our allies. It's asshats like that who were responsible for the ruling that the U.S. couldn't have any criminal intelligence informants overseas in the 90s.

Does this fool suggest we should attack Pakistan? Destablilize the government? Maybe we should isolate them and then lose any cooperation from them in the war on terror and certainly dismiss their important intelligence data they provide us.

And what's your point for posting it? Do you even know what he's talking about in the article. If you did, you probably wouldn't have posted it for any other reason but to mock it for it's simpleminded, misguided, idiocy.
Different IP's. Nice try Barry.

I guess you'll just have to deal with another guy that posts facts and makes convincing arguments. Bummer, eh?
Yeah, you guys are pretty good at making up facts! :F
No need to make facts up. The tragedy is you're just so bad at recognizing facts.
MonsterMark said:
I guess you'll just have to deal with another guy that posts facts and makes convincing arguments. Bummer, eh?

That's just the thing Mark...quote one 'fact' in his response other than the first sentence. You can't because there isn't one.

Bummer, eh?
Calabrio said:
And what's your point for posting it? Do you even know what he's talking about in the article. If you did, you probably wouldn't have posted it for any other reason but to mock it for it's simpleminded, misguided, idiocy.

WOW, welcome to last year!

The point of posting the article was to emphasize the fact that while BuSh has spread our armed forces, and national focus onto an illegitimate war in Iraq, we are letting our guard down against a more real threat from a country with REAL WMDs.

But I see that you'd prefer to shoot the messenger than to comprehend the message. Thanks for your contribution.
raVeneyes said:
That's just the thing Mark...quote one 'fact' in his response other than the first sentence. You can't because there isn't one.

Bummer, eh?
Names Bryan, please see sig.:eek:

I was referring to his many posts which include facts along with clearly defined arguments to refute the blather coming from the left.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
WOW, welcome to last year!

The point of posting the article was to emphasize the fact that while BuSh has spread our armed forces, and national focus onto an illegitimate war in Iraq, we are letting our guard down against a more real threat from a country with REAL WMDs.
Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't mean it's broken.

I don't know if I really have the interest or patience to explain why the policy liberating Iraq is sound. First, I don't think you'll have the capacity to understand it. Second, if if you did, you're such a bitter "Bush-hater" that you'll refuse to recognize the truth anyway.

This is another one of the classic liberal hypocracies presented when they debate. So are you supporting an invasion of Pakistan? Because there are other threats in the world, we shouldn't address any of them?

Maybe you could be real clever and talk about North Korea in your next post?

Hussein wasn't removed JUST because he had WMD programs. He was removed because he was a state sponsor of terrorism. He was removed because there is also a broader foreign policy at play in the middle east here. And the change in Iraq is the first bold step taken to change the face of the Middle East. It's a very bold and visionary attempt, and it's in everyone interest that it is a success.

Because, at the end of the day, every liberal screw ball is right on one point. We can't win this war on terror through military power alone. Short of a genocide, it's not possible. But the long term goal of the invasion of Iraq is to change the hearts and minds in that region. A wealthy and free Iraq, home of one of the most important Muslim holy sights, will be a powerful force of change in that region, if only by example.

But this stuff is too much for some liberals to understand. We're talking about the same political party that was comfortable spending a half century long cold war hoping the Russians would be nice.

But I see that you'd prefer to shoot the messenger than to comprehend the message. Thanks for your contribution.
The problem isn't my comprehension. I understand the weak point made, and I also recognize the motivation behind writing the article. Your problem is that you post this stuff but sadly don't know what the heck your actually talking about.

But, if in any of these post you actually want to construct an argument, or make a valid point... go right ahead. I'm sure there are a few of us ready to shoot it down and prove it wrong.
FreeFaller said:
Dang...were you libs this shortsighted during the Cold War?

Yeah, they were.

Remember, they were the ones responsible of the foreign policy of "shh...don't make them mad. Maybe we can just get along."
"Calabrio]Pakistan is definitely a risk. But they ALREADY have nuclear weapons and now we have to manage the threat as best possible. One way we do that is to help make sure that an Islamo-fascist regime can't oust the current government of Pakistan. This is one of the reasons why American forces can't storm Pakistan looking for Bin Laden. The political fallout in that country upon seeing U.S. forces would critically damage the stablility of that government."

Hmmm. Maybe similar logic could of been applied to Iraq..........

"So what is the point of this article? It's just another bitter partisan lashing out without even thoroughly understand the situation he is critical of. He's another foolish, idealistic liberal who thinks that we have the luxury of chosing our allies. It's asshats like that who were responsible for the ruling that the U.S. couldn't have any criminal intelligence informants overseas in the 90s."

It's 'asshats' like the current administration that distance themselves and make enemies of our current allies. How much of the world hates and distrusts us now? We had much of the worlds sympathy after 911 and now we are nothing more plunderers to the world. As far as having criminal informants, do you really want America viewed that way? As a nation that partners itself with criminals. Not sure if the founding fathers (or Jesus for that matter) had that in mind.

"Does this fool suggest we should attack Pakistan? Destablilize the government? Maybe we should isolate them and then lose any cooperation from them in the war on terror and certainly dismiss their important intelligence data they provide us."

Many and I mean many people both left and right were against the hastily poorly planned attack on Iraq. What have we done but destabalize the goverment. Sure Saddam was a monster, but how many are going to die while all the errors get corrected.

"And what's your point for posting it? Do you even know what he's talking about in the article. If you did, you probably wouldn't have posted it for any other reason but to mock it for it's simpleminded, misguided, idiocy."

Probably the same reason Fossten and a few others post articles. They see a valid point in them.

Come on, call me a spineless peace loving liberal, say I know nothing. I am ready.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
WOW, welcome to last year!

The point of posting the article was to emphasize the fact that while BuSh has spread our armed forces, and national focus onto an illegitimate war in Iraq, we are letting our guard down against a more real threat from a country with REAL WMDs.

But I see that you'd prefer to shoot the messenger than to comprehend the message. Thanks for your contribution.

You said it.
raVeneyes said:
That's just the thing Mark...quote one 'fact' in his response other than the first sentence. You can't because there isn't one.

Bummer, eh?

Ha's a valid fact from his post...

Calabrio said:
It's just another bitter partisan lashing out without even thoroughly understand the situation he is critical of. He's another foolish, idealistic liberal who thinks that we have the luxury of chosing our allies. It's asshats like that who were responsible for the ruling that the U.S. couldn't have any criminal intelligence informants overseas in the 90s.

I believe after that he asked a question of the cut/paster.

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