Panic alarm goes off by itself in extreamly cold weather


New LVC Member
Dec 15, 2004
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Has anyone experienced the panic alarm going off when it is extreamly cold? It has been in the low 40's I know thats not extreamly cold really but until the temperature droped below 45 at night I have not had this problem. Anyone out there with any insight to what the problem may be and how to remedy it would be a great help my neighbors are starting to hate me because the thing goes off at 3 in the morning. The only two quick fixes i have found are leaving it unlocked (don't like that idea) or opening the door and pushing the door lock manually. (what a hassle when everything is all automated.)
odds are you ahve a sensor that is gummed a lil and tht gum thickens in the cold. Check the hood sensor - its a common culprit
Thanks i'll look into that one even though it is pretty clean under the hood i guess it can get dirty from bugs and road grime i'll let you know if that solves my problem
Aceman3321 said:
Thanks i'll look into that one even though it is pretty clean under the hood i guess it can get dirty from bugs and road grime i'll let you know if that solves my problem

from what i read their is also sensore in the door, i had to disconnect my alarm so i could lock the doors,

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