Parking Brake Adjuster Needed


LVC Member
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
Central NY
I've been a member here for a while, usually I just read and absorb info, but...

I'm doing the rear brakes on my '93 including the parking brake cables, etc. and after taking it apart, discovered that the cable adjuster is a total rust sculpture. I might be able to clean up this corroded mess and have it work but I'd really much rather just buy a new one.

Some research has determined the Ford part number is: F3SZ-2B599-A

This same assembly was also used on T-Birds with rear disc brakes.

Further research shows nobody sells these things anymore that I can find.

Can anyone point me at someone that sells these? Or maybe someone has one that is in decent shape that I could purchase? I'd appreciate it.

Check with Max at Chapman Ford, he may be able to get one from Vintage Parts. Otherwise, you can get one off a parts car. Good news is that they used the same part from 93 to 98 so finding one shouldn't be too difficult. Same part is on T-birds too.

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