Parking brake, throttle body and failsafe mode warning!!!


New LVC Member
May 31, 2015
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Hello Guys

I posted this under something similar, not sure if I did it right, so I made my own new post. (hope didn't offend anyone)

Need some help! I have a 2006 V8 LS, it's doing crazy things pertaining to the throttle body and parking brake.

This problem just started,

two days ago, the parking brake warning comes on and instantly the check engine light come on and the throttle goes out and the car wont accelerate. at this point the car is still running, and you get the ETC warning. the codes pointed to a bad throttle body, position sensor and other stuff related to the throttle body.(p2106, p2135, p2104 and p2111)

The car goes into fail safe mode every time this happens!

Two days later, the car does the same thing but this time the car shutdown the engine and would not start back up. I tried to start it 5 times in about 10 minutes. finely, I disconnected the throttle body position sensor wire and the throttle body motor wire and plugged them back in and the car started back up, I drove it back home.

Question 1: what does the parking brake have to do with the throttle body?

Question 2: is this a bad throttle body, a bad position sensor or both?

Question 3: Could this be the parking brake telling the throttle body to shut down as a safety fetcher to keep me from pushing the gas paddle.

If question 3 is correct, then my problem is only the emergency parking brake issue. does this sounds about right?

Thanks for all the help in advance
please next time, just bring back on old thread with new questions as long as they were not already answered in same thread and fairly on topic... making new threads about ultra common stuff only makes it harder for the people that actually want to search for stuff.
this then makes the other thread even more complete with extra information for everybody else in case they find it the same way you did!

but exactly like you were told 15 minutes before you created this new thread in that same old thread, you problems are most likely due to failing coils or other failing parts that like to make a lot of noise (that you cant hear...) that causes the rest of the car to sh!t the bed.

1. Both systems are sensitive to EMI noise.
2. No, it almost never is.
3. No, it doesn't work that way. Oddly enough, pressing on the gas pedal will tell the parking brake to release (if you are in gear).
Thanks for the reply

If this was the issue with your car what would you do, or where would you start to fix this problem?

Remember, this all started the very exact same time, that make them related in some fashion.

Thanks again
first thing I would do is have the battery tested. then like over 75% of these cars, I would bet that some of the coils have started to fail, and have got to the point where it is interfering with other system.

I've first hand experienced coils marginally fail as to where they would work, but cause a list of codes and throw an ETC failsafe...

the first couple of times it did it were random one time during the week, go to get on the gas and it just beeped at me. weird i though, restarted the car with no problems for a week or so... then again. then one day it just got real bad, and you could finally feel the engine start to misfire, by then, it wouldn't drive 100 yards before doing it again...

no matter what, whenever you have exactly the same problem you are having now, you must first replace all the coils and plugs, to make sure that any codes you are getting are real problems and not the car misdiagnosing itself when it comes to these kinds of problem... only then (if even) any codes come back, you can start to track down the problem.

for more than one reason, this car eats coils... cheap coils dont tend to last too long at all a lot of the time and actually end up causing much more damage. if the car was driven around with bad coils too long, the repair bill is about to skyrocket.
Thanks for the help, I will look into getting some coils for the car.

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