NYC LSC said:
There's a reason you're low on doesn't just disappear. Check for leaks first, fix them, add fluid and bleed the system.
This is true, although you dont necesarily have a "leak" your pads wear, the fluid level can/will drop because of the caliper piston having to travel/extend farther.
clean the top of the master cyl. resevoir, and add the correct DOT brake fluid.
If your reservoir was completely empty, then when you stepped on the pedal, you would pump air into the system. I dont think your system was every that low, or the light would have been on all the time. The sensor is mounted up top, so you dont have to be very low on fluid tcause the light to come on. Since yours only did it around corners, it probably isnt too low.
But as for the brake pedal travel being excessive, I suspect a 2 part problem. Time to dig deeper. Top off the fluid(use new fluid, as brake fluid absorbs atmospheric moisture like a sponge) and pump the pedal about 5 times, with the engine running. check the fluid level again.
you should have your brakes checked for leaks, and pad wear.