I just took the bumper apart after ordering a cover,insert and everything else to repair my 96 Mark accept the one part I need :slam . A passenger side bumper isolator. :slam I thought I could straighten it out myself,but the darn thing wouldn't budge. Sledge hammer, a big C-clamp and hammer, having my fat friend jump on it,and my weight lifting nephew struggle with it, even went as far as another friend running it over with his truck. I have another friend that's in the Army Reserves and drives a tank, I haven't asked him to run it over with a Bradley yet but I just might to see if he will and see what happens. I was even thinking of laying it on the rail road tracks and let a train run it over but that would just be dumb. It may squish and stretch a penny but I don't think I want to derail a train over it. Anyone have an extra lying around they want to sell ? Or any other ideas to straighten it? So I don't have to take up a metalurgy course(if I could find one and if there's any such thing) build a forge in my back yard complete with an anvil (if I can find one)and a Blacksmith(if I could find one of those too). Junk yards around here say they don't have any Marks lying around, but I know it's a conspiracy and they horde all the parts just to piss me off, The bastards. :soapbox: