Part Number Confirmation


LVC Member
Jun 20, 2014
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Hello, I've been having trouble with what I believe to be the engine coolant outlet tube on my 1st gen V8. (Part number XW4Z-8A520-AE).

Here is a video that shows what I'm talking about. The upper radiator hose keeps slipping off on warmer days when the system is under full pressure, and it's because the end of the pipe has begun to deteriorate and the hose has very little room to clamp on to.

[video][/video] sorry for the strange frame ratio

This is just about the only plastic part I haven't replaced at this point, I know you're supposed to do it all at once but I'm currently in college and couldn't really afford a full overhaul all at once.

I'm pretty sure this is the part I need just wanted to see if anyone could confirm before I pull the trigger on the order. Thank you.

This ??? > Re&RE - OEM Coolant Outlet Pipe - GEN 1 V8


Yeah it's the Engine Coolant Outlet Tube for the 1st GEN 3.9L

XW4Z-8A520-AE, Tube Assy, Replaced by: XW4Z-8A520-AF

A B C D E ... F


Tasca has it on sale right now for $39.70

GLWR (she needs it, worm clamps and all)
You da man.

I should have just replaced it when I did my thermostat housing upgrade back in December last year and had it all apart but you live and learn I guess...

Now that I'm familiar with tearing it apart it should only take like 20-30 mins + fill/bleed time.

Within the last year and a half I've replaced the water pump, dccv, thermostat and degas bottle. Any other parts I should look into ordering before this next repair?
seems like you have it all covered by the looks, only thing I would have ready also would be the Auxiliary coolant flow pump, (near DCCV) when you start to get no heat at idle and low RPM's but plenty when up to speed, this would then be the coolant flow pump gone bad on ya.

on that 01, might be a good idea to start thinking about swapping out some pulley's, tensioner and belt, if it hasn't been done already.

fuel filter replacement in the driver side wheel well is also a good idea.

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