Passenger door lock won't lock!!


LVC Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Hey guys.

So yesterday my door locks are fine. Today i go to lock my doors and all the locks lock with the keypad button EXCEPT the PASSENGER door. Manually its fine. The latch locks and unlocks when you push/pull it with your finger. But not when you use the automatic lock keypad. Any ideas whats goin on??


My driver side stopped working with the lock button but manually worked for a few days, then it stopped working as well. A part in the actuator came loose and when the the lock button was pressed the motor tried opening it but got jammed. You could hear a click go off that signaled the look to open but no motor going. After so many unlocks/locks of the button manually, the piece that was loose wouldn't return to let the door lock into place. I just took the door panel off and the actuator out, took the cover off and put in back in place. It has been working with no problems ever since.

Does your motor go off or is there just a signal "click" but no movement?
I don't hear a single sound come from the passenger door at all.
Bringing a four year old thread back to life, since this is my issue.

I have read on other threads, some have had luck cleaning them, and,
actuator came back to life. Basically, this may work if you can hear the motor
working. Is it worth the effort of cleaning it/opening it up if you hear no sound ?

I know this may sound like I'm trying to cut corners, but, if it can be saved, why not.

If I need to replace it, where would be the best place to buy new, since, buying used
is only a matter of time before it fails again. I checked Rock auto, but, they do not
seem to offer this part.

Appreciate the help...:)
The piece that came looks could be blocking all movement, so you might still be able to take it apart and fix it. If not, you'll have the door apart for when you get a new actuator.

Parts like this are probably dealer-only, especially on an uncommon car like the LS.
As luck would have it, the door lock began to work again today. I hate intermittent
problems. However, will not chance it, will begin with a lub job to be sure the mechanism
works as freely as possible.

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