passenger window


LVC Member
May 6, 2005
Reaction score
GeorgiaDark Red

So we were going out Saturday nite and hubby goes to roll down the front passenger window and it don't go down! Pretty soon it just slides down like 1/2 way! Then it wouldn't go up and it was all loose in the door!! :Bang We got it back up and locked the window. Let me know how big a deal this is?? :slam :feedback Does anyone know which part I need or how much it will cost.
I will check back in later this evening.....
If it was "all loose in the door" I would think that the glass came off the track or the assembly self destructed. Either way, you're gonna have to pull the panel. I would think if the glass was coming loose from the track assembly it would be pretty easy to fix.

This is not based on LS experience, just general automotive experience. I haven't had to get inside my LS doors yet!
:L I just had to replace the frt dr Window Reg and the pass rear. The frts are more expensive than the rear because you have to buy the reg and motor as one piece. Lincoln has a tech bullitin about the regs and i think they were covering them outside of the factory warranty all you have to do is call the dealer and give them your vin.

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