Pat Sajak's Modest Proposal for Global Warming


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Apr 24, 2005
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Manmade Global Warming: The Solution

Pat Sajak · Jul. 25 at 11:49am

Manmade global warming, like so many other social and economic issues, has become hopelessly politicized. Each side has dug in its heels and has accused the other of acting irresponsibly and dishonestly. For the believers, the other side has become the equivalent of Holocaust deniers; and for the doubters, the other side has become a cult intent on manipulating mankind to remake the world in some sort of natural Utopian image.

The divide has become so great, it seems virtually impossible to bridge the gap. However, I’m not writing for Ricochet merely to outline problems; I’m here to offer real solutions. And I’m not just blowing carbon dioxide.

Let’s assume that a third of the world’s population really believes mankind has the power to adjust the Earth’s thermostat through lifestyle decisions. The percentage may be higher or lower, but, for the sake of this exercise, let’s put it at one-third. Now it seems to me these people have a special obligation to change their lives dramatically because they truly believe catastrophe lies ahead if they don’t. The other two-thirds are merely ignorant, so they can hardly be blamed for their actions.

Now, if those True Believers would give up their cars and big homes and truly change the way they live, I can’t imagine that there wouldn’t be some measurable impact on the Earth in just a few short years. I’m not talking about recycling Evian bottles, but truly simplifying their lives. Even if you were, say, a former Vice President, you would give up extra homes and jets and limos. I see communes with organic farms and lives freed from polluting technology.

Then, when the rest of us saw the results of their actions—you know, the earth cooling, oceans lowering, polar bears frolicking and glaciers growing—we would see the error of our ways and join the crusade voluntarily and enthusiastically.

How about it? Why wait for governments to change us? You who have already seen the light have it within your grasp to act in concert with each other and change the world forever. And I hate to be a scold, but you have a special obligation to do it because you believe it so strongly. Then, instead of looking at isolated tree rings and computer models, you’d have real results to point to, and even the skeptics would see the error of their ways and join you.

So start Tweeting each other and get the ball rolling. We’ll anxiously await results. See, I told you I had the solution. My work here is done.
When the tree-huggers, nay-sayers, and libs of various ilks started the bashing that resulted in the shut-down of most atomic energy power generation sites, I observed, out loud, that to make the change sustainable, it would be necessary for all those speaking with a negative voice to stop using electricity. If they'd all use kerosene lamps and wood stoves, there'd be enough capacity in the other sorts of generators to supply the needs of the rest of us.


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It does speak to the sincerity of the proponents when they speak of certain doom while engaging in the most hypocritical, indulgent life styles. Be it because of self-importance or knowing that it's a scam, the example they set undermines their cause.

With that said, as kooky as the guy may be, you have to give credit to a guy like Ed Begley, jr. He's committed and tries to live and educate by example.

ONLY when Al Gore or the Kennedy's begin to live like Ed Begley, will I even consider their efforts genuinely sincere.

The likely reality is-
They know full well they are lying. While they do support a clean environment, they've decide that it's necessary to exaggerate in an effort to activate the general public. I think this sensationalism is a bad idea.

They are exploiting.
1- for money. Someone like Al Gore was on the verge of becoming an eco-billionaire.
2- Politics. using the environment as a way to regulate energy, and when you control energy, you can control everything. The environmentalists were co-opted by the radical left/marxists long ago. Like watermelons, they are green on the outside but red on the inside.

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