thoot12 said:02V8Sport,
This is what I was given by dealer
Part No. - 1U7AFB
Software Level - JAAT5SY
Verison - 2001
File Size - 1024K
Is this what you need?
thoot12 said:Good deal, He had so I got it!!!
thoot12 said:...snip... If they install a new one fix or no fix they say it’s mine, so I’m here looking…..
2001LS8Sport said:This is from a dealer? And it's their own diagnosis??? I would pitch a holy fit with that statement.
thoot12 said:The dealer has put a coil in the compressor and all seems well at this time.
So I was told the PCM stopped providing power to the compressor, Then when the PCM was replaced the compressor still did not work so they replaced the coil. Total bill $430 labor, $140 PCM, and 3 weeks to figure it all out. They did provide a ride through the duration....Does the old PCM have any value or can it be fixed?
Thanks to all,
02V8Sport said:I think your dealer is full of crap! All they probably had to do was replace the coil on the compressor.
2001LS8Sport must be familiar with home a/c units! LOL Only they are the ones who call an evaporator a coil!
In this case...I'm just about positive he's talking about the clutch coil.