PCV valve question


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Allen Park
At what point in time does a car need it's PCV valve to be replaced? My PCV valve is a brownish/yellowish color.
i do not know at what mileage they need to be replaced. but i take it yours is probably the original. i would change it out anyway if it looks the way it does!
You check to see if its working by taking it off and shacking it, if it rattles its good. Also to see if your vacumn connection to pcv valve is good, lift the valve off the hole( i guess u could call it) if your car suddenly idles lower, the vacumn works.
I used to have a car that went through them pretty regualrly, might have been bad rings or something plugging them with oil...
change it every other oil change or 10k miles. it costs like a dollar and a 5 year old retard could change it(its that easy) sorry to be blunt.
Yeah it is pretty easy to remove/Install. Besides it was stuck in the tube. I think its the original one! Postive crankcase ventilation valves rock! I wish everything on this car was that easy to fix!

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