


Has anyone here every hit a bicyclist or a pedestrian? A taxi driver just told me he hit a drunk pedestrian.
I hit a guy running across the road in my Town car. Lucky for him I was only
going 15-20. As I hit him I was like OMG Then after I hit him he got up and ran away.
We have an issue here with certain types darting across the road in hopes of getting hit and suing you. Buddy at work hit a guy running illegally across the road and his insurance settled out of court for $5 grand. Totally not even his fault! Cop even said it was a scam, they wait for high dollar /flashy cars and dart out. Their friend stays onthe side an becomes a witness. Some insurance companies offer quick settlements as they must figure it is cheaper than court.
I hit a guy running across the road in my Town car. Lucky for him I was only
going 15-20. As I hit him I was like OMG Then after I hit him he got up and ran away.
hah damn, he must have been illegal as hell. i wonder if he had anything illegal on him, like evidence leading to bin laden..

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