Pee on Cadillac decals...interested?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Southern New Jersey.
LMAO that tiltle got you in here so here it is.


Ill be making a few sets of these to see what they will do selling wise. Anyone interested just reply here or inbox me. They wiil be approx 4.5 high and 3.5 wide $10.00 a set plus s&h high quality outdoor UV vynil.
wahahahaha I love it. I still want a damn LVC shirt for xclubbin though. I also got a few offers to be a bouncer too! I had hella ppl at the bar askin about my lincoln....think i convinced a few....
hey geno thats good i like that but how about one for the hemi they think there all that ha all they do is brag i still got get the cobra for the truck got any ?
Ill take a set. PM me with an address to send a Postal MO. My step father owns a Caddy ROTFLMAO, he'll enjoy this
Hey! I own a Cadillac too. How about Piss on 5.0 (even though I want one)or Chevy (even though I own one of those too.):)
im down for one, do you have any other LMS decals at this time?
I like the "nice parking J@ckass" decals I read about in another thread, you should make some of those as well for when people park too close or ding your door.

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