pepperman now and then


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 28, 2005
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heres some of pepps secret photos
the many faces of mr pepperman


pepperman said:
Nice try but it doesn't look a bit like me :D I'M BACK :D

I dunno, im pritty sure that the picture of the spanish child molester is you. ;)
The pic to the right is when me and Debi went out on a date i dressed pep up and gave him glasses that see through clothes. its hard to get him away from lvc these days. Im glad hes back tho i miss reading all the stuff and i cannot compete in the pepman lvcaholic posting fanatic person he is.
Mr wilson happy b day thanks for callin we could of had some b day shots.
the pepperman project will be revealed shortly me n chad just have to get the props and people together. Its going to be the best thing thats hit lvc since ummm well forever.
i meant the one on the top where hes wearing the glasses.
the one on the bottom was from the 80's he just got his digi cam dont ask dont tell policy on what hes doing tho. Mexican child molestor heheheh funny.
NJ95MARK8 said:
The pic to the right is when me and Debi went out on a date i dressed pep up and gave him glasses that see through clothes. its hard to get him away from lvc these days. Im glad hes back tho i miss reading all the stuff and i cannot compete in the pepman lvcaholic posting fanatic person he is.
Mr wilson happy b day thanks for callin we could of had some b day shots.
the pepperman project will be revealed shortly me n chad just have to get the props and people together. Its going to be the best thing thats hit lvc since ummm well forever.
I thought that was you dessed that way when Debi and I were on that date :D
i didnt need the glasses i dressed in some abercrombie jeans and a black long sleave dress shirt. i had on my gucci sunglasses and watch also.

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