Photos and commentary from Nancy Pelosi's visit to Denver

That's really interesting.
The "organizeed mob" has hand made signs and look like people from all walks of life. Many, I would suspect, have never been particularly politically active before.

And then on the other side of the street you have the leftist protesters, supporting Nancy Pelosi. They are standing with their commercial printed, professionally made, uniform signs.

On the bottom of the signs you'll see who made them. It's a group called: Health Care for America Now

They considered a "National grassroots campaign for quality, affordable health care people can count on, working for the Obama plan for health care reform in 2009."

But who are they really?
Go to their webpage and see who they are affiliated with. Who's in their coalition?

To mention a few:

Center for American Progress
United Auto Workers Union
National Abortion Federation
National Educators Association
SEIU (Service Employees International Union)

It's another left-wing umbrella organization. The way all of those groups are organized and financed is incredible, all designed with the intention of deception.

This one is certainly not 'organic'. Those signs aren't particularly cheap. And it's certainly well funded and organized. But it's designed to look organic and independent.
Another, scary point, that needs to be emphasized.

Organizing for America is BARRACK OBAMA'S GROUP!
It was put together by the White House.

"As President, I will need the help of all Americans to meet the challenges that lie ahead," Obama said in a video message e-mailed to supporters (and reporters) this morning. "That's why I'm asking people like you who fought for change during the campaign to continue fighting for change in your communities."

As mentioned in the article, it's the continuation of his Presidential campaign.
If anyone actually though he'd be a uniter, above race, above politics, the fact that he's perpetuated his aggressive campaign organization (and associations) after taking office should convince you otherwise.
Tells you a lot about people like foxpaws who helped this man get elected. No class.
Tells you a lot about people like foxpaws who helped this man get elected. No class.

Only if they knew better. Or if they think this kind of response from the White House and their organized street muscle is acceptable.
Tells you a lot about people like foxpaws who helped this man get elected. No class.

So, who I voted for is a reflection of my 'class'? And Foss, why have you drug me into this with a derogatory personal remark? You are very worried about my 'class' status... you bring it up all the time. You bring in personal things about me all the time...

I actually went to one of Polis' (my rep) events on Friday and will be meeting with him at his local office on Monday - I talked to 5 people at the 'coffee' on Friday - 2 for health care and 3 against. It was really interesting, but, gosh, since I am class-less I certainly won't be needing to share how interesting it was on how they got there, why they were there, what they are going to do in the future.

I think your constant personal attacks, Foss, is fairly telling in itself.
So, who I voted for is a reflection of my 'class'? And Foss, why have you drug me into this with a derogatory personal remark? You are very worried about my 'class' status... you bring it up all the time. You bring in personal things about me all the time...

I actually went to one of Polis' (my rep) events on Friday and will be meeting with him at his local office on Monday - I talked to 5 people at the 'coffee' on Friday - 2 for health care and 3 against. It was really interesting, but, gosh, since I am class-less I certainly won't be needing to share how interesting it was on how they got there, why they were there, what they are going to do in the future.

I think your constant personal attacks, Foss, is fairly telling in itself.
I can tell when you're angry because your spelling and grammar suffers, and you start repeating yourself.

In response to your key-pounding, whiny rant, however...You have often bragged about your activism. Your party succeeded in gaining power, and now it's showing its true colors. So, are you proud of what you've done? If you are, then my statement stands, personal attack or not. Do you identify with the Democrat Party that you helped get elected?
I am glad that Barack Obama won the election. I believe in many things that the Democratic party stands for, there are other things I strongly disagree with. My party doesn't define me. Just as apparently you stood up against the Republican party - I often stand against mine. I am meeting with my Rep as someone, within the party, who thinks the current health plan is a poor solution to a complex and costly problem.

Oh, I can tell when you are angry - you shout...
I am glad that Barack Obama won the election. I believe in many things that the Democratic party stands for, there are other things I strongly disagree with. My party doesn't define me. Just as apparently you stood up against the Republican party - I often stand against mine. I am meeting with my Rep as someone, within the party, who thinks the current health plan is a poor solution to a complex and costly problem.

Oh, I can tell when you are angry - you shout...
Tsk tsk, fox, I never get angry. I use caps when somebody appears to be obtuse. FAIL again.

So, you are proud of the direction that Obama is taking this country, taking over business and healthcare, running every aspect of our lives?
Tsk tsk, fox, I never get angry. I use caps when somebody appears to be obtuse. FAIL again.

So, you are proud of the direction that Obama is taking this country, taking over business and healthcare, running every aspect of our lives?

Foss - wow - there it is again - all caps - with a very vindictive post...

Angry Foss, very angry...

As I said - there are things I like and there are things I don't like about the Dems.. the current healthcare reform package is one thing I don't like. I feel that my life is far less 'run' with this administration than what the Republicans would like to do with my life, and have shown to do in the past.
Foss - wow - there it is again - all caps - with a very vindictive post...

Angry Foss, very angry...

As I said - there are things I like and there are things I don't like about the Dems.. the current healthcare reform package is one thing I don't like. I feel that my life is far less 'run' with this administration than what the Republicans would like to do with my life, and have shown to do in the past.
Failed to answer the question again. But please...tell me why I would be angry in that post. What has provoked me? Vindictive? Isn't that revenge oriented? What did you do to me that provokes feelings of revenge?
Who's funding the "grass rooters at Health Care for America Now?
Add George Soros to the list with another check, this time for $5,000,000. That'll buy a lot of signs, a lot of bus rides, and employ a good size rent a mob.

In another sign of the urgency gripping the pro-health care reform camp, billionaire George Soros has pledged to sink $5 million into the fight, the group getting the money confirmed.

Soros — whose operation carefully guards the privacy of such donations — made the pledge to Health Care For America Now, the leading coalition of pro-reform groups, unions and providers, HCAN chief Richard Kirsch confirmed in an email that was forwarded to me. …

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