You can go to the Adobe site and downlload a free sample of photoshop for thirty days.
I use adobe photo deluxe that came with my former computer that had windows 98 on it.
To use it in xp, I had to download a parser from the adobe site to get it to work in xp.
Speaking for myself, I don't like photoshop.
It doesn't do all the things I can do with photo deluxe.
Unlike photo deluxe, I have never seen a folder on the main page in photoshop, where you can save cropped images or, for that matter, any image where all you have to do is click on the image and it opens so you can edit it.
In photo deluxe, you don't have to open a folder to see an image that is in the "hold" area on the main page.
It is shown all the time so you know at any time what photo you want to pull up to work on.
I will stay with photo deluxe.
Unfortunately, adobe no longer offers photo deluxe and that is ashame.
You may be able to find one on ebay.