Pics of a Tan LS with Black wheels???


LVC Member
Apr 11, 2007
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I am thinking about getting some black wheels with chrome lips on them for my car. Not sure how they will look though. If anyone has some pics with them on their TAN LS will you post them please?!
Don't you mean Champagne colored LS?

Tan has many colors...just look at anyone that can tolerate sunlight :p
Is that the official color??? I could never put a finger on it!

basically....too many damn auto companies give it a different name.

It's like having ice cream but every other F*ck wants to call it something a gelato or fozen yogert. Which though it's a different recipe (color code) it's the same look and process :p
like a gelato or fozen yogert. Which though it's a different recipe (color code) it's the same look and process :p

Wanna bet? I can't eat ice cream but I tolerate frozen yogurt just fine. They are made differently and there is quite a bit of difference in the taste.

Now as to car colors, I agree. There is s great scene in Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House where Myrna Loy spends a good 5 minutes describing to the contractor what colors she wants, it is quite funny. The kitchen is to be yellow, not too bright like the sun, and not too pale; have the painter buy a pound of butter and match that. She hands the contractor a spool of thread and tells him to match that. She leaves and the contractor asks the painter if he got all that. The painter says "Yea, white, blue, yellow, red & green."
Wanna bet? I can't eat ice cream but I tolerate frozen yogurt just fine. They are made differently and there is quite a bit of difference in the taste.

Now as to car colors, I agree. There is s great scene in Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House where Myrna Loy spends a good 5 minutes describing to the contractor what colors she wants, it is quite funny. The kitchen is to be yellow, not too bright like the sun, and not too pale; have the painter buy a pound of butter and match that. She hands the contractor a spool of thread and tells him to match that. She leaves and the contractor asks the painter if he got all that. The painter says "Yea, white, blue, yellow, red & green."

hahaha good one :-D
Don't do it man. I love black wheels with chrome lips as much as anybody could, but that would look terrible.
Don't do it man. I love black wheels with chrome lips as much as anybody could, but that would look terrible.
i would have to agree, i thing black rims only really look good with a few colors, black and white and sometimes silver or red. i have a dark blue LS and have black rims on it and i dont really think it look to good myself. but i guess peoples preferences are diffrent. if you want it go for it
I'll say it again, black wheels on black cars! the difference in color wouldnt look goods at all, i had black wheels on my "champage/tan/sand" color and i took them off in a week and got chrome.
That's why I wanted to see some pics...I love the black wheels and agree they only look good on certain colors. Just didn't know how it would look on my tanish, beigeish ,goldish brownish car would look! :D
my winter wheels are charcoal with a silver lip. Do a search for "painted stock wheel' in the ls forums. Search thread titles. I.m on my phone so i can.t copy and paste links.

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