
Just a picture of your car? The LS Owner's picture thread, stickied at the top.

How to attach pictures to a post? Click the square with a tree in it, next to the film frames, in the bar at the top of the text box you type in to post said comments...
Posting pics.


There are more complex options when you are using the "Advanced" posting console. Able to upload
several pics in batch form from your hard drive to forum, as well as being able to remove an attachment (pic)

~ hope that helps.
or create a photosharing account...

I use photobucket

I can't stand photobucket. I want to view the pictures as pictures alone, not pictures in pages. IIRC it doesn't let my phone zoom, either.

Imgur FTW
Honestly guys, should be using this here, been using it for years.

no account needed, no albums to create, multiple image link copy provided after uploads.
I usually just upload a pic, click the pic then highlight the URL and paste it in a
Automatic uploads,
access from every device,
unlimited storage space
sorting and libraries

it works for me
Automatic uploads,
access from every device,
unlimited storage space
sorting and libraries

it works for me

I think all Imgur is missing is automatic uploads... but I don't want every pic loading up like that anyway. Dropbox to my computer, sure, but not an image hosting website.

But it's all just preference haha

But Rig, then they're not *my* pictures in *my* account and not really *mine* lol
Option is there to create an account and make them private. I just use it too quickly dump pics there for hotlinking, would never upload anything too personal anyhow. Works for me based on ease of use.

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