I actually think that for a sequel it was very good. I knew for a while who Davy Jones was and I thought they did a good job of incorporating him as a villian. As for the ninja review, he obviously did not watch the first or second film with any sort of interest. If he did he would not be so confused with "plot lines" and why "everybody is a pirate." Also, if you did not know that the pirates of the Carribean was a ride at Disney land from a long,long time ago you must live in a cave.
Everyone remember this is a sequel. Originals are so much better because we are meeting the characters and story for the first time. Sequels almost never live up to the original because they connot match the already present image in your mind of what your experience with film was. I simply disagree with it being a horrible movie. They did not just plan this as a spur of the moment sequel they had all of cast sign on to do three films when the first one was being completed. And their is a lot of hinting to the characters and story of the second film in the first on.By the way, part 2 and 3 were filmed at the same time, back to back. So the part 2 ending was almost a to be continued...
Also it had the highest grossing opening weekend in the history of movies ever! 132 million or something like that?
I'm sure I sound obsessed, not really. I am a horror and sci-fi fan mostly, but I definately liked the movie and honestly this is the first bad thing I have heard about it.