Planned Parenthood director quits after watching abortion ultrasound


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Apr 24, 2005
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Planned Parenthood director quits after watching abortion ultrasound

posted at 3:00 pm on November 2, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

After eight years working at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas, including two years as its director, Abby Johnson suddenly decided that she could no longer participate in abortions. What pushed Johnson out was both an ultrasound of an abortion and a renewed emphasis on the cash-generating business in the failing economy. After being told to deemphasize prevention and market for abortions, Johnson finally had enough:

According to Johnson, the non-profit was struggling under the weight of a tough economy, and changing it’s business model from one that pushed prevention, to one that focused on abortion.

“It seemed like maybe that’s not what a lot of people were believing any more because that’s not where the money was. The money wasn’t in family planning, the money wasn’t in prevention, the money was in abortion and so I had a problem with that,” said Johnson.

Johnson said she was told to bring in more women who wanted abortions, something the Episcopalian church goer recently became convicted about. …

Johnson now supports the Coalition For Life, the pro-life group with a building down the street from Planned Parenthood. Coalition volunteers can regularly be seen praying on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood. Johnson has been meeting with the coalition’s executive director, Shawn Carney, and has prayed with volunteers outside Planned Parenthood.

The television station has video of Johnson’s interview at the link, so be sure to watch it.

What was the reaction of Planned Parenthood? They sued Johnson and the Coalition for Life and filed restraining orders against both. They claim that Johnson and the CFL wanted to breach the confidentiality of their clients, but nothing in the KBTX report indicates that Johnson had any such intention. In fact, Johnson was unaware of the suit when KBTX’s report went to air last night.

It doesn’t surprise me to see Planned Parenthood pressure its offices to push abortions harder. That’s their core business, after all, and with less money flowing into the abortion mills, they need to market it more aggressively. It does remove the veneer of “community service” that PP claims while defending themselves, however. They’re in the mass-production abortion business, plain and simple, which Johnson finally discovered.
you think after working eight years at a planned parenthood clinic he would be very familiar with the goings on of an abortion

abortion = save the economy


Would you stop displaying your stupidity here?
Can't you find a message board called or that you can hang out at?

If you abort a generation, who's going to contribute to the economy once you get old? Old queens like you don't have families to support them in their old age. So either people need to have children or we need to import working aged immigrants.

More importantly, this is why planned parenthood and related organizations work so hard to limit the information available to pregnant women. They are an abortion advocacy group and the more information a person has, the less likely they are to go through with the very violent procedure.
Would you stop displaying your stupidity here?
Can't you find a message board called or that you can hang out at?

If you abort a generation, who's going to contribute to the economy once you get old? Old queens like you don't have families to support them in their old age. So either people need to have children or we need to import working aged immigrants.

More importantly, this is why planned parenthood and related organizations work so hard to limit the information available to pregnant women. They are an abortion advocacy group and the more information a person has, the less likely they are to go through with the very violent procedure.
Exactly right. Imagine fifty million additional taxpayers and their children just about to enter the work force right about now.

Where would this economy be?

Not to mention the likelihood that God has cursed this nation due to fifty million murders of innocent children.
Would you stop displaying your stupidity here?
Can't you find a message board called or that you can hang out at?

If you abort a generation, who's going to contribute to the economy once you get old? Old queens like you don't have families to support them in their old age. So either people need to have children or we need to import working aged immigrants.

More importantly, this is why planned parenthood and related organizations work so hard to limit the information available to pregnant women. They are an abortion advocacy group and the more information a person has, the less likely they are to go through with the very violent procedure.

As I see it no one is contributing to the economy already. Then when babies are born into these poverty families the more tax-dollars are spent on those kids or family to keep them going. You think Octo-mom is supporting her kids on a JOB?

Face it as the stupidity as a world we grow and consume MORE than we can grow back, we are f*cked soon. So I'm doing the American part by praising death, disaster, and a parent's choice to get an abortion. As a FYI, I have known a number of women who've been date raped and got pregnant from they HAD to have the abortion as there age or economic status couldn't support a child in it. Stop thinking that just because a seed reaches an embryo that something has a life. You think watching an abortion is harder than watching how we get our meet? psshhhh at least an abortion is sanitary and healthy for the mother (at least more nowadays than the coathangers of before)
Would you stop displaying your stupidity here?
Can't you find a message board called or that you can hang out at?

If you abort a generation, who's going to contribute to the economy once you get old? Old queens like you don't have families to support them in their old age. So either people need to have children or we need to import working aged immigrants.

More importantly, this is why planned parenthood and related organizations work so hard to limit the information available to pregnant women. They are an abortion advocacy group and the more information a person has, the less likely they are to go through with the very violent procedure.

FYI too many people are having too many kids. Second, I'm not saying all babies are bad, but as we've seen the baby boomers and anyone born around the 50s-70s are leaving NOTHING for their children..nithing but debt, a backrupt country, a dying dollar, face it...if you were born then or later, thanks for f*cking it up for the rest of us and allowing where we are to happen.
psshhhh at least an abortion is sanitary and healthy for the mother (at least more nowadays than the coathangers of before)
This is one of the single most ignorant statements I've seen made on this forum. Do yourself a favor, don't post out of ignorance.
As I see it no one is contributing to the economy already.
No one? What a ridiculous statement.

Then when babies are born into these poverty families the more tax-dollars are spent on those kids or family to keep them going. You think Octo-mom is supporting her kids on a JOB?
1. A child born in poverty IS NOT destined to live their entire life in poverty. In the America that supported free-markets and capitalism, class mobility was an integral part of the American experience.

2. And if you have such sentiment, why don't you oppose the government programs that cost tax-dollars instead of supporting a genocide.

3. I don't know if Octo-Mom is on welfare or not. I thought she was funded by a legal settlement and since having her artificially enhanced litter, she has been selling her image to the media.

Face it as the stupidity as a world we grow and consume MORE than we can grow back, we are f*cked soon.
You repeating a theory that is over 30 years old, and one that has also been debunked for about 25 years.

We've crossed the thresh hold defined as "unsustainable" several times now. As we continue to advance, our technology improves. So we can live both more efficiently AND extract greater returns from limited resources.

Additionally, as technology and quality of life improves, birth rates tend to decline.

So I'm doing the American part by praising death, disaster, and a parent's choice to get an abortion.
That's not an American role, that's just stupid.

As a FYI, I have known a number of women who've been date raped and got pregnant from they HAD to have the abortion as there age or economic status couldn't support a child in it.
And FYI, you're making a subjective conclusion here, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's unchallenged or absolute.

Stop thinking that just because a seed reaches an embryo that something has a life. You think watching an abortion is harder than watching how we get our meet? psshhhh at least an abortion is sanitary and healthy for the mother (at least more nowadays than the coathangers of before)
I don't know what to respond to here...
the fact that you're equating abortion to a farming and slaughtering livestock?
the fact that you've equated human life to the life of a cow.
I'm just at a loss for words...
We pretty much are just evolved cows. We even plump ourselves up for the slaughter, we put ourselves in comfined working spaces, we overwork and overproduce, etc etc that could be related to livestock :p
We pretty much are just evolved cows. We even plump ourselves up for the slaughter, we put ourselves in comfined working spaces, we overwork and overproduce, etc etc that could be related to livestock :p

Well, I completely disagree with you and yet another one of your thoughtless statements.
We pretty much are just evolved cows. We even plump ourselves up for the slaughter, we put ourselves in comfined working spaces, we overwork and overproduce, etc etc that could be related to livestock :p
Come on, Pete. Even the faulty evolutionists at least picked a species that resembles humans to some degree. Cows, really? What textbook did you learn from in school?
Come on, Pete. Even the faulty evolutionists at least picked a species that resembles humans to some degree. Cows, really? What textbook did you learn from in school?

I'm not saying we ACTUALLY are evolved cows. i'm just saying in metaphor that we are no different than a more intelligent farm animal nowadays

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