Planning a Wedding


May 29, 2008
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Kansas city
Hey guys, as some of ya know, getting married next summer. We've really havent planned much yet so i was seeing If my LVC'rs have any experiences / thoughts / or good ideas for us. It will be a second marriage for both of us so we're paying for this one are selves (although i payed for my first one too) so money is a factor. just looking for anything cool you guys have heard of.

We're looking into destination weddings- although we have a lot of friends and family we'd love to have there. so that might be tough .... also my father was on life support back in april. He's doing really well now but he's been having trouble being away from the house lately (for long periods of time anyway)staying in the US would probably be ok but flying in a plane probably wont be option.

so its either a small wedding here locally (kansas City), then we honeymoon somewhere cool. or find something cool in the US i can get everyone to.

We did the vegas thing with our friends wedding last year, so were not looking at that... but anyone have any other ideas, im all for it...

Thanks Guys
Maybe you can go to one of the National Parks, like Yosemite or Glacier, or Yellowstone. You could have a nice outdoor wedding with nature as a backdrop.
Maybe you can go to one of the National Parks, like Yosemite or Glacier, or Yellowstone. You could have a nice outdoor wedding with nature as a backdrop.

Thats what I was going to do.
Some what of a country wedding in Tennessee...
On a hill with nothing but mountains and trees in the back ground.
Saying our vouls about 5-5:30 when the sun setting.
I think that would be badass.
G-RELL Congrats!


Funny but I do this wedding thing every-single weekend :D and have been for 14 yrs I have lots of ideas lol.

Where I work

Nice, yeah i'll pm you when we start planning the details. Thanks

I'd love an outdoor wedding...

so its still either a cheap home wedding / reception and then a honeymoon

or a destination type wedding somewhere we can stay for a couple days in the US

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