Please give me your opinion on what happened to me today


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 4, 2005
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New Bedford
ok, i sold my car (99 galant) to a good friend monday... before i gave him the keys and got the $$$ he said "can i get a warranty" so i said "if anything big happens within a months time ill take responsibility"...the same night i get a call he says whats up with the brakes...see before i sold it to him the brakes started squealing i thought it was just glazed brake pads so i bought some brake cleaning spray and was going to spray em but the lug nuts on my car were so tight i couldnt get them off so i ingnored it. i said to him oh the pads are just dirty and i gave him the spray to clean em he could not get them off either so then i said listen i just got the brake pads changed and rotors cut 5 months ago ill give you the reciet and you can make them do today he goes to the brakes place while im at work and i get a call "oh the mechanic said i need new rotors and the rear drum brakes need replacing" i told him hell no there trying to beat you, so i try to get out of work because they wouldnt try to take advantage of me ill flame there a$$es but i couldnt, so i tell him do what you gotta do cause i know he'd replace them regardless i know him to well..anyway he calls me back a little later and says it came out to $316 you said youd take responsibility....and thats where im at right now, i think the brakes place beat him, just cus the brakes squeak and it seemed like you had to press the pedal down further than usual i dont think you need all that...and them motha***** should have told me my rotors couldnt be cut anymore last time i got the pads replaced i dont know if i should pay or not if i dont i will probably lose my friendship with him help!!!!
if it was me, I would honor my word...
Which is more important the 300 bucks or your friendship?
whose always gona be there for you?... that 300 or him...
shouldnt be that hard to decide.... even though i would bitch out that damn dealership...
if that doesnt work tell him ull pay half, id take that its better than nothing. he needs to realize that if u buy a used car from joe schmo ur not gonna get any warranty. so hes lucky hes got a friend thatll at least give him something
If your brake performance declined as you stated, it doesn't surprise me that you needed some new parts.
sorry bro but you gave him your word. If hes a good friend to you (which is hard to come by) it should be a no brainer. But thats just me.
ankles said:
im going to pay him the thing is though he shouldnt of just agreed with everything the place said he needed these places are out to get people who dont know much about cars.....and you didnt have to say it like that ankles
stateproperty3423 said:
im going to pay him the thing is though he shouldnt of just agreed with everything the place said he needed these places are out to get people who dont know much about cars.....and you didnt have to say it like that ankles

Of course he was going to agree with what they told him cause he wasnt paying for it anyway. I would not be surpised if walked into the brake shop and told them he just bought this car and the guy said get the brakes fixed and I will pay for them. Sh*t any repair shop would hope all over that! I am sorry you agreed to pay for it so you better SWELL UP! Good luck let us know what happens.

Two Sides

There seems to be two sides to this issue. One: you told him you would take care of any issues that came up. That is being a true friend on your part.
Two: he seems to ahve taken advantage of your generosity and had some major repairs done to HIS car at your expense. If he were a true friend, he would have waited for your approval and even then he should have agreed to pay his fair share. Half at least. Just my opinion.

In this world we have friends and aquaintences.
Friends knock on the door at three in the morning and say's my house just burned down. You invite them in and tell them they can stay until they get back on their feet.

An aquaintence knocks on your door at three in the morning and say's my house just burned down and you invite them in to use the phone to find a hotel.

I have a lot of aquaintences, very few true friends.
true but friend, aquaintence or whatever a deal is a deal. It does suck but that was an arrangment made in a transaction so its business. just my 2 pennies
You won't make those mistakes again.

1. Selling to a friend.
2. Offering a warranty that is better than anything you could buy.

20 somethin' days to go! :Bang

I am sure that doesn't make you feel better. I have made bigger mistakes and got through them though!
How good of friend is he? He called you the same night? sounds like he might be trying to take advantage. But you learned a valuable lesson, don't offer a warranty when you sell a used car.

This is a toss up. let us know what happens. Personally I think brakes are routine maintence which wouldn't be covered under a warranty anyways.

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