please help


New LVC Member
Jul 23, 2006
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Fort Walton Beach
Does anybody know what would cause me to lose power to the brakes, power to the a/c and heat, and my turn signals? This alll happened at the same time. It's on a 87 Mark VII LSC. I'd think it was an electric prob, but is there any relay or fuse or anythig else that is common between them?? :confused:
Start with checking all of the cables and their connections to the battery. If the brakes failed, then you have a relatively large scale issue.
Thanx for the input Josh. I do have brakes, but just have to put my foot to the floor and hope it slows down. I love the car, but this is killing me.
Sounds like you lost the power assist of the brakes. Are the red and yellow brake lights coming on? It is a strange combination of issues, and I have to wonder if they might be seperate issues. Still, start with all of the major cables under the hood.

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