Plug and play?


Active LVC Member
Aug 31, 2019
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Would this plug and play with an 06 ls?

Would this plug and play with an 06 ls?

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I don't see any reason it wouldn't long as the plugs and pins match up! And obviously, make sure it fits in the same spot. I will say this much though. I like having the lock on my Gen 2 in case I ever put anything in my trunk and someone breaks into the car at least they have a harder time getting into the trunk being I can lock it from the switch on a Gen 2.
I don't see any reason it wouldn't long as the plugs and pins match up! And obviously, make sure it fits in the same spot. I will say this much though. I like having the lock on my Gen 2 in case I ever put anything in my trunk and someone breaks into the car at least they have a harder time getting into the trunk being I can lock it from the switch on a Gen 2.
Yes I suppose locking is nice, I like the look of these buttons though cause they look more modern than the chrome.
Ha, I thought my button was just broken, kinda chipped around the lock, didn't realize it was a lock, nice! Thanks
They aren't, I believe the gen1 has one plug and gen2 has separate, I could be wrong its been a while. I have a black one with lock for gen2 if you interested in one, agreed with the gen1 buttons, looks a lot more modern and not so 1990 with the lock.

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