Political Discussion


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 12, 2004
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Where is the discussion? The news of the day is that more troops are going into Iraq, and there is nothing about that posted here. All we have is Fossten, et al, continuing with his propaganda.
I was unable to see any speech that the President made. I will probably check out some online news, but for now, what exactly was his plan to stop the violence in Iraq? And how was adding more troops the answer?
I think the 21,000 extra troops will do little, if anything. To get Iraq fully under control would require at least 5 times that number...with the Iraquis helping..
Vitas said:
Where is the discussion? The news of the day is that more troops are going into Iraq, and there is nothing about that posted here. All we have is Fossten, et al, continuing with his propaganda.

What do you want to dicuss? (Besides Iraq. Please, we are all just sick-and-tired of listening to this crap about Iraq. That news is soooo 2004...:rolleyes: )

Vitas, how about something local?:


Read that ridiculous story of political corectness gone haywire...
The extra troops are going to be used to secure Baghdad and most specifically the Anbar province, which is an Al Qaeda stronghold. Personally, I figure using B-52s would be just as effective in securing the Anbar province, but either way, that is where the trouble is coming from. If we neutralize Anbar, most of the violence should stop.
RRocket said:
I think the 21,000 extra troops will do little, if anything. To get Iraq fully under control would require at least 5 times that number...with the Iraquis helping..

I fully agree, as do the dems......

Transcript: Democratic Response to Bush's Speech
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

WASHINGTON — The following transcript is the Democratic response by Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., to President Bush's speech on a change of course in Iraq:

DURBIN: Good evening.

At the end of October, President Bush told the American people: Absolutely, we're winning the war in Iraq. He spoke those words near the end of the bloodiest month of 2006 for U.S. troops.

Tonight, President Bush acknowledged what most Americans know: We are not winning in Iraq, despite the courage and immense sacrifice of our military.

Indeed, the situation is grave and deteriorating.

The president's response to the challenge of Iraq is to send more American soldiers into the crossfire of the civil war that has engulfed that nation.

Escalation of this war is not the change the American people called for in the last election. Instead of a new direction, the president's plan moves the American commitment in Iraq in the wrong direction.

In ordering more troops to Iraq, the president is ignoring the strong advice of most of his own top generals. General John Abizaid — until recently, the commanding general in Iraq and Afghanistan — said, and I quote, "More American forces prevent the Iraqis from doing more, from taking more responsibility for their own future," end of quote.

Bush Says Failure in Iraq Would Be Disaster for U.S. Twenty thousand American soldiers are too few to end this civil war in Iraq and too many American lives to risk on top of those we've already lost.

It's time for President Bush to face the reality of Iraq. And the reality is this: America has paid a heavy price. We have paid with the lives of more than 3,000 of our soldiers. We have paid with the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. And we've paid with the hard-earned tax dollars of the families of America.

And we have given the Iraqis so much. We have deposed their dictator. We dug him out of a hole in the ground and forced him to face the courts of his own people. We've given the Iraqi people a chance to draft their own constitution, hold their own free elections and establish their own government.

We Americans, and a few allies, have protected Iraq when no one else would.

Now, in the fourth year of this war, it is time for the Iraqis to stand and defend their own nation. The government of Iraq must now prove that it will make the hard political decisions which will bring an end to this bloody civil war, disband the militias and death squads, create an environment of safety and opportunity for every Iraqi, and begin to restore the basics of electricity and water and health care that define the quality of life.

The Iraqis must understand that they alone can lead their nation to freedom. They alone must meet the challenges that lie ahead. And they must know that, every time they call 911, we are not going to send 20,000 more American soldiers.

As Congress considers our future course in Iraq, we remain committed, on a bipartisan basis, to providing our soldiers every resource they need to fight effectively and come home safely.

But it's time to begin the orderly redeployment of our troops so that they can begin coming home soon.

When the Iraqis understand that America is not giving an open- ended commitment of support, when they understand that our troops indeed are coming home, then they will understand the day has come to face their own responsibility to protect and defend their nation.

Thank you.

But as I predicted, BuSh's plan is more of the same, "Stay and DIE FASTER". What a disgrace he is to our country.
What a surprise. The "honorable" senator Dick Turban doesn't think we can win the war. What a f-ing coward.

"Cut and run! Cut and run! American troops are like nazis and like soviets in their gulags! They're like Pol Pot! But I support the troops!" :lol:

Absolutely pathetic. Even hearing this guy talk, you can tell his balls are shrunken.

"Yes. This man has no dick."
-- Dr. Peter Venkman
JohnnyBz00LS said:
I fully agree, as do the dems......

But as I predicted, BuSh's plan is more of the same, "Stay and DIE FASTER". What a disgrace he is to our country.

More of the same? Did you hear the speech, more importantly, did you even understand it.

There is a huge tactical shift taking place. In addition to increasing the number, they are changing the rules of engagement, engaging the enemy different, and they are concentrating the forces.

There is a clearly implied ultimatum on the new Iraqi government and a very clear statement has been to Iran to stay the hell out Iraq and stop providing the insurgents weapons and aid.

You're hatred is only overshadowed by your ignorance.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
But as I predicted, BuSh's plan is more of the same, "Stay and DIE FASTER". What a disgrace he is to our country.

You have staked out your ground. Now, for you to be right, your prediction MUST come true. So we MUST lose the war, or you will lose face and be wrong. So now you must HOPE that we lose the war. You are now invested in this country's defeat.

You must hope that more troops die.

But we know you support the troops!:rolleyes:
fossten said:
You have staked out your ground. Now, for you to be right, your prediction MUST come true. So we MUST lose the war, or you will lose face and be wrong. So now you must HOPE that we lose the war. You are now invested in this country's defeat.

You must hope that more troops die.

But we know you support the troops!:rolleyes:

How nice of you to frame both your ignorance and dillusionment all in one post. What a maroon.

I pray to GOD that I'm wrong, I hope to high heaven, for the sake of our troops and country, that BuSh's plan works. However, given BuSh's success record to date, and the near zero level of trust in his words, I wouldn't bet money on it.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
How nice of you to frame both your ignorance and dillusionment all in one post. What a maroon.

I pray to GOD that I'm wrong, I hope to high heaven, for the sake of our troops and country, that BuSh's plan works. However, given BuSh's success record to date, and the near zero level of trust in his words, I wouldn't bet money on it.

You are being utterly dishonest. You don't want Bush's plan to work, you've been against every action he's ever taken, you hate Bush, and you want him (and the troops) to fail. You want us to turn tail and run from Iraq, and you want Bush impeached and thrown in jail.

Stop dumping your filthy lies on the rest of us.
fossten said:
You are being utterly dishonest. You don't want Bush's plan to work, you've been against every action he's ever taken, you hate Bush, and you want him (and the troops) to fail. You want us to turn tail and run from Iraq, and you want Bush impeached and thrown in jail.

Stop dumping your filthy lies on the rest of us.

You couldn't be more wrong. Quit pretending you know me, because you don't have a clue. Stop painting people as a portrait of your sick fantasy punching bag. It only reinforces the immature, kicking and screaming, foot stomping, crybaby childish image we all have of you. But if you insist, take as much rope as you need.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
You couldn't be more wrong. Quit pretending you know me, because you don't have a clue. Stop painting people as a portrait of your sick fantasy punching bag. It only reinforces the immature, kicking and screaming, foot stomping, crybaby childish image we all have of you. But if you insist, take as much rope as you need.

Why, Johnny, that's a case of the pot calling the kettle black if I've ever heard one. But, hey, I'm an equal opportunity debater, so if I'm so wrong about you (which is unlikely, since you are the biggest hater on this site, demonstrated by your "Kloran" comment), why don't you prove it instead of whining and simpering like a pusillanimous quisling? Instead of constantly pouring your slimy hate all over Bush, why don't you support your President? See, I know that you are incapable of disagreeing with someone without name-calling and bashing.

You sound so angry I'd hate to see you in person - you'd probably rip off your own arm and throw it at me. LOL
I supported the war in Afghanistan; wanted a war with the Saudi's; and opposed this war in Iraq. BUT, since we're there and have lost a considerable number of our people there we need to finish the job with an American flag flying high over wherever our soldiers have fought. 21,000 men = not enough. 210,000 = not enough. 2.1 million = maybe. The way to win that war is to declare war, tell the civilians (noncombatants) to get the F out. Then go through clearing the country of anything on 2 legs not in an American uniform. If we're going to fight a war we need to fight a total war. And when we're done we don't need to give them money to rebuild, did they pay for us to clear up the mess they made in NY and DC? NO! They're holyland ought to be FUBAR when we're done.
daves2000ls said:
I supported the war in Afghanistan; wanted a war with the Saudi's; and opposed this war in Iraq. BUT, since we're there and have lost a considerable number of our people there we need to finish the job with an American flag flying high over wherever our soldiers have fought. 21,000 men = not enough. 210,000 = not enough. 2.1 million = maybe. The way to win that war is to declare war, tell the civilians (noncombatants) to get the F out. Then go through clearing the country of anything on 2 legs not in an American uniform. If we're going to fight a war we need to fight a total war. And when we're done we don't need to give them money to rebuild, did they pay for us to clear up the mess they made in NY and DC? NO! They're holyland ought to be FUBAR when we're done.

So you want to invade Saudi Arabia, obliterate Mecca and leave... Not sure that will win the "War On Terror".
95DevilleNS said:
So you want to invade Saudi Arabia, obliterate Mecca and leave... Not sure that will win the "War On Terror".
No, but it'll make 'em feel better about themselves. While it lasts.
daves2000ls said:
I supported the war in Afghanistan; wanted a war with the Saudi's; and opposed this war in Iraq. BUT, since we're there and have lost a considerable number of our people there we need to finish the job with an American flag flying high over wherever our soldiers have fought. 21,000 men = not enough. 210,000 = not enough. 2.1 million = maybe. The way to win that war is to declare war, tell the civilians (noncombatants) to get the F out. Then go through clearing the country of anything on 2 legs not in an American uniform. If we're going to fight a war we need to fight a total war. And when we're done we don't need to give them money to rebuild, did they pay for us to clear up the mess they made in NY and DC? NO! They're holyland ought to be FUBAR when we're done.


One of the side benefits of fighting a war like that is that it will make the rest of the world think twice before screwing with us.

Wacko Dictator: The Americans are crazy! Every time we look at them sideways, they flatten our country! Leave them alone!

Friendly Leader: Hey, we need these blokes on our side!
I'm glad we see eye to eye on some things. Make the enemy fear you. Make them think we're the crazy ones.
95DevilleNS said:
So you want to invade Saudi Arabia, obliterate Mecca and leave... Not sure that will win the "War On Terror".

Yeah, sure. Go piss off every Muslim in the World. Start WWIII, fight the Chinese along with them. The Soviets would re-gain control of Russia; and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

NO! Most of the terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks were Saudi's. Let's kill em all so we dont have to worry about them attacking us, nor would we have to pay them for the oil that happens to be under their barren wasteland.
daves2000ls said:
Yeah, sure. Go piss off every Muslim in the World. Start WWIII, fight the Chinese along with them. The Soviets would re-gain control of Russia; and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

NO! Most of the terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks were Saudi's. Let's kill em all so we dont have to worry about them attacking us, nor would we have to pay them for the oil that happens to be under their barren wasteland.

Heydrich, is it really you?

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