Political office?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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So, I always wanted to get involved with politics, perhaps get to be somthing like sherrif, freeholder, somthing like that. Are any of you involved like that with politics? What do you think i should do. I helped out with the president's campaign this last year. And i helped a brother firefighter out with his campaign for fire councel board. Im friends with the current county clerk's son, and I try to go to the political parties when i can. I know im still young, but I just wanna try to get a leg up on other people that are already involved with local government. Thanks guys.
Get a degree in college and go from there. In the meantime, keep volunteering and rubbing elbows with politicos. You'll figure it out.
Alot of younger people are running for local office today. My local selectman (is an idiot), but he was first elected at age 20, while he was still a Freshman in college; so it's not that hard to get elected to most offices, unless there is an age requirement like Congressmen have...

One of the easiest elected positions in my state is Board of Education. Most of these people are of course, worthless and overpaid, but many of them are young people. One guy was only 19, another was a hairdresser, the other a computer hacker. Right now, a local cop is running.

Try for BOE and work your way up... or I don't know how the laws in your state go, but you could petition for seat of Justice of Peace or Notary Public. Those positions don't really pay alot- if at all, but look good on a resume and give you experience and knowledge- whether you go into politics or not...

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