Polls are in: New Canadian Government


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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If anyone here cares, Canada elected a new government yesterday. For the 1st time in a dozen years, the Liberals have lost to a new Conservative Party. The new Prime Minister will be Stephen Harper.

I have a question I was wondering: Have any of you here voted outside of your political party? In my riding, our MP is a Conservative. He has done an outstanding job, and truly understands the needs of this area. Several of my Liberal-voting friends actually voted for this same MP, as they couldn't stand their Liberal candidate and agree that the Conservative MP was better for this area. Since we don't vote for the Primie Minister directly, my Liberal friends votes hurt the chances of the Liberals getting back in. They were in a Catch-22. They WANTED to vote Liberal to keep their Prime Minister in office, but their local MP candidate did nothing for them (the Liberal candidate had been elected previously to this riding and did mostly nothing), so they voted otherwise. They are still Liberals, and have not changed parties. Has this happened to anyone here when voting? What were the circumstances? Just wondering how common this sort of thing is....
RRocket said:
If anyone here cares, Canada elected a new government yesterday. For the 1st time in a dozen years, the Liberals have lost to a new Conservative Party. The new Prime Minister will be Stephen Harper.

I have a question I was wondering: Have any of you here voted outside of your political party? In my riding, our MP is a Conservative. He has done an outstanding job, and truly understands the needs of this area. Several of my Liberal-voting friends actually voted for this same MP, as they couldn't stand their Liberal candidate and agree that the Conservative MP was better for this area. Since we don't vote for the Primie Minister directly, my Liberal friends votes hurt the chances of the Liberals getting back in. They were in a Catch-22. They WANTED to vote Liberal to keep their Prime Minister in office, but their local MP candidate did nothing for them (the Liberal candidate had been elected previously to this riding and did mostly nothing), so they voted otherwise. They are still Liberals, and have not changed parties. Has this happened to anyone here when voting? What were the circumstances? Just wondering how common this sort of thing is....

Who was elected in the Sarnia-Lambton riding?

To answer your question, it is not uncommon in this country to split party votes, which is why we have ended up with Congress and the White House being controlled by opposing parties. Frequently, it is due to something similar to what you're describing...you like your local Congressman, who is say, a Democrat, but you prefer the Republican candidate for President, so you split your vote. Our ballots allow us to select a straight party vote, or to vote for each candidate individually. Also, in many elections, there are non-partisan candidates as well...say, for judges.
I just got done reading about this in the paper this morning. Hooray for Stephen Harper...that is...if he is able to do what he says and not be blocked by partisan politics.

Oh and to answer your question. No, I've never voted for a Democrat. But, if I had been a resident of Illinois over the last election I would have voted for Barack Obama (D-IL). The guy the Republicans fronted was not my cup of tea.
Newspaper clip if people are curious...

Canadian Voters End 13-Year Liberal Presidency

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

OTTAWA — Conservative Stephen Harper pledged to quickly carry out his campaign promises to cut taxes, get tough on crime and repair strained ties with Washington after his party won national elections and ended more than 12 years of Liberal Party rule in Canada.

That may be easier said than done.

The Conservatives' winning margin was too narrow to rule with a majority, a situation that will make it hard for them to get legislation through the divided House of Commons.

Monday's vote showed that Canadians are weary of the Liberal Party's broken promises and corruption scandals. They were willing to give Harper a chance to govern despite concerns that some of his social views are extreme.

"Tonight friends, our great country has voted for change, and Canadians have asked our party to take the lead in delivering that change," Harper told 2,000 cheering supporters at his campaign headquarters in Calgary.

He said his new government — not likely to be sworn in for several weeks — would immediately move to cut the unpopular national sales tax from 7 percent to 6 percent, "reform the justice system to fight against crime and gangs," and begin to allocate $1,042 to Canadian families for each child they have needing daycare.

He also wants to introduce a federal accountability act that will monitor government spending in an effort to avoid the corruption scandals that have plagued the Liberals.

"We will do this because shuffling the deck in Ottawa is not good enough," he said. "We need to do this to make the system more accountable to you, the Canadian taxpayers."

Relations with the Bush administration will likely improve under Harper as his ideology runs along the same lines of many U.S. Republicans.

Harper has said he would reconsider a U.S. missile defense scheme rejected by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Paul Martin. He also said he wanted to move beyond the Kyoto debate by establishing different environmental controls, spend more on the Canadian military, expand its peacekeeping missions and tighten security along the U.S. border to prevent terrorists and guns from crossing.

Final results for the 308-seat House showed Conservatives with 124 seats; Liberals with 103; the Bloc Quebecois with 51, New Democratic Party with 29; and one seat to an Independent.

The Conservatives also earned 10 seats in Quebec, where they were virtually shut out in the last elections of June 2004. Harper said it was symbolic of the Quebecois desire for national unity as opposed to sovereignty for the French-speaking province.

"Our government will build a new and dynamic voice for federalism in Quebec," Harper said.

Martin conceded defeat and said he would step down as head of the party, although remain in Parliament to represent the Montreal seat he won again. It was an unusual move to do both on the same night, but Martin appeared upbeat and eager to continue to fight the Conservatives from House opposition benches.

"I have just called Stephen Harper and I've offered him my congratulations," Martin told a subdued crowd at his headquarters in Montreal. "We differ on many things, but we all share a believe in the potential and the progress of Canada."

The Conservative victory ended more than a decade of Liberal Party rule and could shift the traditionally liberal country to the right on socio-economic issues such as health care, taxation, abortion and gay marriage. Some Canadians have expressed reservations about Harper's views opposing abortion and marriages between gays and lesbians.

During the campaign, Harper pledged to cut the red tape in social welfare programs, lower the national sales tax from 7 percent to 5 percent over five years and grant more autonomy and federal funding to Canada's 13 provinces and territories.

The Liberals have angered Washington in recent years, condemning the war in Iraq, refusing to join the continental anti-ballistic missile plan and criticizing President Bush for rejecting the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions and enacting punitive Canadian lumber tariffs.

Martin, 67, had trumpeted eight consecutive budget surpluses and sought to paint Harper as a right-winger posing as a moderate to woo mainstream voters. He claimed Harper supports the war in Iraq, which most Canadians oppose, and would try to outlaw abortion and overturn gay marriage. Harper denied the accusations.

Voters cast ballots at 60,000 polling stations amid unseasonably mild winter weather. Turnout from the 22.7 million registered voters was 65 percent, somewhat better than the 60 percent of the June 2004 election, the lowest number since 1898.

Martin's government and the House were dissolved in November after New Democrats defected from the governing coalition to support the Conservatives in a no-confidence vote amid a corruption scandal involving the misuse of funds for a national unity program in Quebec.

An investigation absolved the prime minister of wrongdoing but accused senior Liberals of taking kickbacks and misspending tens of millions of dollars in public funds.

Just as campaigning hit full swing over the Christmas holidays, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced they were investigating a possible leak by Liberal government officials that appeared to have influenced the stock market.
Please explain the Canadian NST. Is there still an income tax on top of the NST? Are there Provence taxes also? What about property taxes?

I'm all in favor of an NST here but it would have to be a higher percentage to be able to do away with the IRS and individual tax returns. The states would collect the tax and send a portion on to Washington, as it should be.

In my opinion, an NST would eliminate the underground economy and force everyone to pay their fair share. Being neither a Democrat or a Republican I am confused by the switch in roles on this issue.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this a Democratic proposal a few years ago? Didn't the Republicans say it was a bad idea because rich people would pay more money for their luxury items? Why are Republicans now touting it as a way to make things fair for everyone.

Sorry I'm a little suspect. What changed?

Our GST (Goods and Services Tax) is basically a "luxury" tax. All non-essential items for living (more or less) are taxed by this. Some clothing items, food, books, etc.. are exempt from this. It is currently 7%. I also have a provincial tax of 8%. So we basically pay 15% sales tax on most purchases. We still have income tax in addition to this! Yes...we are a bit overtaxed! If I recall, you reside in MI. If you came to Canada and bought items and were charged GST, when you leave Canada you can fill out a form and get the GST refunded back to you.

For fun (or to scare you) here are a few sample paycheques given our current income tax rates:

Legend: EI=Employment Insurance
CPP = Canada Pension Plan
Tax = Combined Federal and Provincial Income Tax

$30,000 year ($577 weekly) = $457 take home (Tax $84. CPP $25, EI $11)
$60,000 year ($1154 weekly) = $825 take home (Tax $254, CPP $54, EI $21)
$120,000 year($2308 weekly)= $1419 take home (Tax $735, CPP $111,EI $43)

So there you have it. That's how much tax we pay. Bear in mind the CPP is only paid until you reach $1910 per year and the EI $729 per year.

Hope you found this interesting....

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