Hi MarkOfDeath and thanks for putting the thread out there BlackMark8Li!
I'm gonna go ahead and do it, the 4.10s,.. did we discuss posi? I think I would want to do that also, along with the driveshaft, of course I want to do it all at the same time too. (sometimes it feels like he is still gettin used to his perf chip).
I know you and Brentallen were shooting out advice to me (greatly appreciated too!). I have read a few articles and was talking with Torquemonkey also, I want to swap the gears to 4.10s, change out the drive shaft, and install posi. I'm going to read more while acquiring all the parts then find a shop who will do it for me (with my stuff, not theirs!) is there anything else I will need to make the conversion complete and successful?
Burnin one strip is lame, but what really made me realize I NEED to swap out the gears and get posi is: I was on a left curve and hit the gas a little, well the rear pasgr tire grabbed and kicked in so tough I nearly went into a spin. He is all balls on r-turns of course but hitting a left curve on ramp or turn he's got me lickin em!!!
This will be my first real mod (wish I could do it myself!!!) so any pearls of wisdom will be greatly appreciated!!!!
Thanks Hotties!!!