Possibility of getting Hipo coils


Dedicated LVC Member
May 28, 2005
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I have seen many of us fall victim to the issues of these 'crappy' ignition coils.

I have just been reading a couple of articles on how poor the mustang COP coils are when shown a whiff of boost or nitrous.

I also was having a conversation with a friend in my mustang club about the issue in his 2004 gt. He was telling me that he knows of a couple of companies that are going to release HD Hipo COP ignition coils for the mustang motors. Infact his brother-in-law is the regional sales rep for the one company.

I wonder if I had enough members of the list interested in getting these hd coils wound for our cars, could we get the company to make them.

How many of you would be interested in these?

specs on the mustang coils are
OEM - 20Kv most of the time.
HDHiPo's - 55Kv 100% of the time

the LS coils would probably yield a similar increase.

Oh and since the V6's and V8's use different designs, can the interested parties please tell me which engine you have.
GMS makes aftermarket COPs, 60k. Nobodies tried but they say and I'm pretty sure they would work on the V-8s.
Technically they should work great, but the motorcraft numbers for the all the GT's and Cobra's COP's are different than the ones in the LS's

and GMS is not the only one with these new coils.
This is one of my pet-peeve's. Damn coils have been problems on plenty of FMC cars. What is the difference between the coils for the V6 and the V8, outside of the obvious physical looks and how it attaches to the car? I'm not an electronics buff, but could you use a coil from a different car as long as the harness fit?

Otherwise, I might be interested for coils for the V8... just roasted another one the other day in this 100 degree heat. But, I imagine these ain't gonna be cheap.

I think that if the coils are insulated against heat... and maybe remove the COP covers, it could extend their otherwise crappy lifespan. Then again, if there's a performance gain from a hotter spark with these, I'm all for it. Maybe require a different plug?
They're suppose to be a direct bolt on, or at least for the cars they are listed for. Someone with a V-6 talked with GMS and I guess they said they would work on the V-8 only. Not sure why. I'm not having problems currenty, but soon enough I will cross this road and if someone else doesn't first, I'm going to check into the GMS units. I don't think you'll need better plugs.
Well its the physical shape and connector that is the issue with the mustang cop's versus the LS V6 and V8 ones.
I mean just look at the two motors in the LS's, the coils should have been the same, but some designer or design commitee decided that they had to be different.

But then again there a smaller companies that make ignition coils themselves and if they make the stock coil, they can are capable of winding a higher power and heavier duty one. The guy I'm going to approach is a rep for a company that makes components for some of the OEM replacement parts brands. They are going to break out a new Hi Po coil for mustangs in about a week and my buddy was saying the company is already looking to release more of these HiPo COP's for other applications.

I was just too baked at the time from doing a brake job on the Sister-In-Law's minivan to get the idea right away.
Be careful with the Granatelli coils. There are reports of fitment problems under the coil covers on some models. You have to get a spacer. I'm not sure you could even find one of those for our cars.
There web site actually has info addressing that, or it sure looks like it. It shows you how to shorten up the length of the wire by tap it the long way.
2001LS8Sport said:
Be careful with the Granatelli coils. There are reports of fitment problems under the coil covers on some models. You have to get a spacer. I'm not sure you could even find one of those for our cars.

Isn't that only for some of the cars that put covers over the coils?

I called GMS this morning and they tell me to call back next week,they may have some info.
I told the tech that LS owners all over have issues with the coils and would love a HD alternative. I should have mentioned the Thunderbird folks as well, but I just could't bring myself to mention that fat lump.

If nothing else its practice for my pitch to this friend of a friend's, business contact.

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