Post Avatar Depression

It was a pretty good movie. Even though i think it was a save the earth/rain forest type bs plot. But it set a new mark for the digital age with the graphics. I did rip my version off the intro net, but will be making a trip to the imax to see it in 3d.
only reason why people are feeling depressed is because the amount of color and visuals in the movie hit the rods and cones in a heavy dose. Almost like having the best fast food or the best drug, you become hooked and everything else becomes bland or sh*tty in comparison. It's the same with everything that's out there...once you feel something out of this world to your neurological receptors, you must have a crack or meth's plain jane. People are just stupid when they put TOO much of themselves into an event as little as eating the best piece of chocolate you've ever had. It's just an experience...get over it...

F*ck human nature nowadays...hell look at the Ipods for instance..they came out and it was an overdosed hit they someone canot be considered "Normal" unless they had an iPod. Now it's the touchscreen bullsh*t and the bluerays and the LED tvs. Jesus......does anybody else besides me realize that decades ago we were hoping to find new life, land on mars, and get off fossil fuels? Yet now here we are decades later and only thing we improved was how fat we are, how sh*tty the market is, our handheld devices, and HD internet/TV
i really liked the movie, but i cant say its made me depressed at all. i really liked the concept behind the movie though, made me see things in a different light
I haven't seen it, but South Park pegged it right by pointing out that it's dances with wolves meets the smurfs.
Oh, dear Lord...

Now, people are getting depressed after a movie? WTF is our species coming to?


I kinda felt the same after seeing the first Star Wars 5 times in 1977 and after Empire Strikes Back in 1980, but I got over it after a day.

Ordinary life seemed so mediocre after seeing such supercharged fantasy/adventures.

I've matured since then and although I enjoyed Avatar very much for what it was I didn't feel depressed about real life after.
Hmmmm.... come to think of it, I've felt like that after every living dead, of the dead, and zombie movie I've ever seen.
Shaun of The Dead is a good one, V!

I miss the 80's TV shows. :(

Knight rider and A-Team in particular.

Last Knight:)p) I watched Knight Rider 2000 - hmmm... Now I'm depressed! :lol:
only reason why people are feeling depressed is because the amount of color and visuals in the movie hit the rods and cones in a heavy dose. Almost like having the best fast food or the best drug, you become hooked and everything else becomes bland or sh*tty in comparison. It's the same with everything that's out there...once you feel something out of this world to your neurological receptors, you must have a crack or meth's plain jane. People are just stupid when they put TOO much of themselves into an event as little as eating the best piece of chocolate you've ever had. It's just an experience...get over it...

F*ck human nature nowadays...hell look at the Ipods for instance..they came out and it was an overdosed hit they someone canot be considered "Normal" unless they had an iPod. Now it's the touchscreen bullsh*t and the bluerays and the LED tvs. Jesus......does anybody else besides me realize that decades ago we were hoping to find new life, land on mars, and get off fossil fuels? Yet now here we are decades later and only thing we improved was how fat we are, how sh*tty the market is, our handheld devices, and HD internet/TV

Never had an iPod or a desire to get one. I load a hundred or so songs on a disc and have several hundred more loaded on my cars stereo and thats fine for me. I dont need 10,000 hours of music and movies at my fingertips for driving in the car or walking from my parking spot to my office. :lol:

GMAN just the other day asked if I had the iPod interface for my Pioneer deck. I said I didnt have an iPod and he sounded very shocked. :lol:

Well, I watched that film at iMax and thought it was pretty average - just the usual mainstream garbage, but with fancy special effects.
you know whats weird, i watched a disney movie the other night that had the exact same plot as avatar. only think different was the alien was a pixie. came out in 92 which would have been like 18 years ago. didnt they say avatar took 15 years to do? i just thought it was too weird
I haven't seen it, but South Park pegged it right by pointing out that it's dances with wolves meets the smurfs.

How can you say they pegged it if you haven't even seen it? And it's not that at all. Dances with wolves, lemme see if I can list the similarities.....he liked the native people enough to join them. That's it. He wasn't sent to them to learn them, you could still breath the air where they live, he wasn't sent there to negotiate with them, he didn't go there to save the planet, he didn't need to get them to move to accomodate mining or something and he didn't have anything like Jake did to gain through becoming one of them (transferring to the Na'Vi body). Dances with wolves is a crappy comparo and I'm not even going lower myself to the dumbass smurf bit.

Take a look at the movie Battle for Terra sometime, I haven't heard it used once as a comparo to Avatar. It's Avatar without the Surrogates link. Battle for Terra and Surrogates IS Avatar. However I can imagine about 50 other movies that have some kind of commonalities with it. If you don't like the hype, and don't want to see it, give it a rest and get on with your anti-Avatar bandwagon life.

The facts. 9 academy award nominations and the biggest selling movie of all time that is STILL IN THE THEATERS and not done yet.
Well, I watched that film at iMax and thought it was pretty average - just the usual mainstream garbage, but with fancy special effects.

There's nothing mainstream about it. The depth of attention to detail in designing plants, animals, a civilization and a planet that revolves around another is well beyond mainstream. Even the attention to detail in the equipment/aircraft etc was so far beyond mainstream it isn't funny.

So what's your favorite movie? Scarface or friday the 13th part 90?

you know whats weird, i watched a disney movie the other night that had the exact same plot as avatar. only think different was the alien was a pixie. came out in 92 which would have been like 18 years ago. didnt they say avatar took 15 years to do? i just thought it was too weird

Ok I'll bite. What movie?
I'm so out of the loop, I thought we were talking about profile pics and not a movie (steals laser's purple crayon and begins munching)
So what's your favorite movie? Scarface or friday the 13th part 90?

Yup, those.

Ooh - and Jack Frost 2: Revenge Of The Mutant Killer Snowman! :shifty:


J/K - Titanic is my favorite, really. :D
F*ck human nature nowadays...hell look at the Ipods for instance..they came out and it was an overdosed hit they someone canot be considered "Normal" unless they had an iPod. Now it's the touchscreen bullsh*t and the bluerays and the LED tvs. Jesus......does anybody else besides me realize that decades ago we were hoping to find new life, land on mars, and get off fossil fuels? Yet now here we are decades later and only thing we improved was how fat we are, how sh*tty the market is, our handheld devices, and HD internet/TV

i don't even have a cell phone. no freakin need.
i'm at work or at home. call me there. and if i ain't there, leave a message.

and good movie. enjoyed it. just waiting for the bluray rip.

District 9 was a pretty good film. (IMO, of course)
Yeah I liked District 9 and have it on Blue Ray. :)

Still waiting for Avatar on Blue Ray :wrench:

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