only reason why people are feeling depressed is because the amount of color and visuals in the movie hit the rods and cones in a heavy dose. Almost like having the best fast food or the best drug, you become hooked and everything else becomes bland or sh*tty in comparison. It's the same with everything that's out there...once you feel something out of this world to your neurological receptors, you must have a crack or meth's plain jane. People are just stupid when they put TOO much of themselves into an event as little as eating the best piece of chocolate you've ever had. It's just an experience...get over it...
F*ck human nature nowadays...hell look at the Ipods for instance..they came out and it was an overdosed hit they someone canot be considered "Normal" unless they had an iPod. Now it's the touchscreen bullsh*t and the bluerays and the LED tvs. Jesus......does anybody else besides me realize that decades ago we were hoping to find new life, land on mars, and get off fossil fuels? Yet now here we are decades later and only thing we improved was how fat we are, how sh*tty the market is, our handheld devices, and HD internet/TV