Potential Devastating Film Footage


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Looks like someone has found some film of Kerry burning down a village in Nam.

Stay tuned for news at 11:00.

Hopefully I'll have some more on this tomorrow.

I'm thinking of this for my new sig.

skipper gilligan.jpg
I would be shocked! I mean, wasnt that SOP in nam for everyone?
And here I thought you were talking about Bush's speach last night!

Man, what a long winded streatch of mental masturbation for the GOP that was. Trying to take comfort in the "apparent" noble cause of "spreading freedom around the world" without addressing the more real-world issues of how many freedoms we US citizens have given up in the last 4 yrs, or freedoms that are going to get trampled if Bush gets re-elected. Just a bunch of smoke and mirrors.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
And here I thought you were talking about Bush's speach last night!

Man, what a long winded streatch of mental masturbation for the GOP that was. Trying to take comfort in the "apparent" noble cause of "spreading freedom around the world" without addressing the more real-world issues of how many freedoms we US citizens have given up in the last 4 yrs, or freedoms that are going to get trampled if Bush gets re-elected. Just a bunch of smoke and mirrors.

No offense, but I'm quite amused by all the observations against any politician about what was left out of his/her speech whether it be a Kerry speech or a Bush speech. Be honest here, you wouldn't have been satisfied by anything Bush had to say last night.

Question: what freedoms have US citizens given up the last 4 years? I hear a lot about it, but I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about exactly.

I agree that the speech was ridiculously long, but mental masturbation (LOL)?

I thought Kerry was breaking some kind of unspoken rule when he made a speech just 30 minutes after Bush was done, but after thinking about it I guess all is fair in politics (at least this election). IMO he didn't help his cause any, especially since the news channels broke away from his speech/rally because it was incoherent and seemed like sour grapes. We thought this election was ugly before, it's going to get brutal I'm afraid. I just hope we here at LVC can all keep our wits about us (this includes me) and not take everything too personal when it comes to our political opinions. Now lllLLLET'S GET READY TO RUMMMBLLLLLE!!!
JohnnyBz00LS said:
And here I thought you were talking about Bush's speach last night!
Good one. LOL.

I guess the speech proves if you don't like GW, you didn't like the speech.
If you do like GW, you liked the speech.

I am always amazed that the exact same words can be taken by 2 different groups and spun any which way that group wants.

Don't worry Kbob, we'll keep things together here, and we are all friends, no matter the political views. Its all just entertainment.

As far as Kerry last night and his incoherency, I think he drank too much of his sours grapes. The guy looked buzzed. It looks like Edwards must have saved some bowls from college and they smoked one up just before landing in Ohio.

Half the tickets were unsold at that event. Decent pro-Bush group showed up and the Dems had to put up a banner to cover them up from the camera.

It is going to be very interesting. I may just vote for Kerry after all. I mean, come on, how many times has this country had the opportunity to vote for an admitted war criminal with film footage to boot?


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MonsterMark said:
Don't worry Kbob, we'll keep things together here, and we are all friends, no matter the political views. Its all just entertainment

So now I'm a liar, huh!!??? Well :q you and the horse you rode in on !!! snicker, snicker heeheehee ;)
John Kerry's blood libel

[size=-1]Posted: September 3, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

[/size][font=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]

[font=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif][size=-1]© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com [/size][/font]

John Kerry will lose this presidential election -- guaranteed -- and it will happen because he violated one of the most important religious laws, inculcated within nearly every Jewish child from the youngest age: God commands us not to slander and not to engage in malicious gossip.

Even during the Republican convention, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth continued to pummel and hammer John Kerry with negative TV ads about his wartime record in Vietnam, his indictment of the troops as war criminals upon his return and his public discarding of the medals he won for his service.

What motivates the Swifties? The Democrats say George W. Bush is behind them. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why the Swifties so loathe John Kerry. Kerry robbed them of honor and condemned them to infamy when he came back from the war and called them decapitators and rapists. We Jews call this Lashon Hara, the sin of the evil tongue, and it is a sin equated with murder. Killing a man's reputation is the equivalent of killing the man himself. His head sinks in public; he wishes he were dead. When you shame a man, you make him wish he could disappear into thin air. It is one thing to end a man's life. It is quite another to make him wish he would never have been born.

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth despise John Kerry for spreading the lie that American soldiers in Vietnam were for the most part dishonorable marauders, running around the countryside "in a manner reminiscent of Genghis Khan." These statements, coming from a charismatic, Yale-educated and decorated officer, were eminently believable and made a tremendous impact on the nation, ensuring that millions of heroic lives would be destroyed.

A woman in Rhode Island told me that when her husband came home from Vietnam, wearing his uniform, he was set upon by hooligans and beaten up in the streets. Thousands of other Vietnam veterans came back and were repeatedly rejected for jobs. After all, would you hire an accused murderer to work for you? Americans loathed these returning "butchers" whom they had been told had disgraced themselves in a ten-year orgy of violence and plunder.

We Jews know what it's like to be slandered in this way. It's called a blood libel, and it's history goes back more than a thousand years to when the Jews were first accused of slaughtering innocent Christian children for ritual purposes. One can only imagine the horror of Jews who were striving to lead outstanding moral and ethical lives, devoted to a strict religious code, suddenly being accused of the most unspeakable atrocities. The charge, understandably, enraged the Jews. They wondered what they could possibly have done to deserve such malicious accusations. But living under tyrannical regimes, they were powerless to stop it, and they had no choice but to suffer under the terrible consequences of being branded baby-killers.

But John O'Neill and his fellow former soldiers live in a free and open society, and they are anything but powerless. Now put yourself into the shoes of the Swift Boat Veterans, whose only crime was to go to a foreign nation and fight for its liberty so that its citizens would not be subjected to communist cruelty. Yet, they were called baby-killers by Kerry and his colleagues. If you were them, wouldn't you be enraged?

So the Swifties decided that their reputations were too precious to be silent. They struck back. They would not allow a man who had slandered them to become the commander in chief. All they had wanted was to fight for the freedom and justice of the Vietnamese people, and they were punished for their good deeds by being called cold-blooded killers. Kerry maligned their credibility, so they went after his in return. Kerry called them war criminals, so they tried to show that he was the real war criminal. Some call it karma; others call it payback. On the streets, they say, "What goes around comes around." But we Jews understand that this is simply the inevitable and tragic outcome of all malicious gossip, which is why Judaism is so passionate about stamping it out from society.

Gossip creates a spiteful cycle that has no end, because the moment someone steps forward to ruin your reputation, the only way you can save yourself is by ruining theirs in turn. If someone smears your credibility, you are onto the defensive and you have to attack theirs in return. Only then will the public dismiss the allegations against you.

Kerry's supporters argue that in his 1971 Senate testimony he was only repeating what he had heard from other Vietnam vets at the Winter Soldier meetings in Detroit. This is not convincing. The sin of malicious gossip prohibits not only inventing harmful fiction but repeating it as well.

The Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is just around the corner. The Jewish tradition has been that we go to each other begging forgiveness for any bad things that we may have said about one another behind each other's backs. It's a particularly awkward moment when you have to go to a colleague and reveal to them that you slandered them.

John Kerry doesn't have to have that awkward moment. The veterans already know what he said about them because Kerry did it front of the whole world. But Kerry can end all the attacks against him by the Swifties by simply offering a heartfelt and sincere apology. Our soldiers in Vietnam were overwhelmingly good and heroic men, and they deserve to be acknowledged as such. Kerry can simply say that he is sorry for transmitting such malicious gossip against those who sacrifice most for this country. And hopefully, the veterans will rise to the difficult but rewarding challenge of bestowing complete forgiveness.

Of course, there is also another choice. Kerry can continue to do what he's doing now, blaming a vast right-wing conspiracy for the ads, which sounds eerily familiar. But that would not bring healing to himself, the veterans or this great nation.

[font=palatino, times new roman, georgia, times]Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is a nationally syndicated radio host daily from 2-5 p.m. EST on the Liberty Broadcasting Network, and was named by Talkers magazine as one of America’s 100 most important talk-radio hosts. A best-selling author of 14 books, his latest work is "The Private Adam: Becoming a Hero in a Selfish Age" (HarperCollins).</B>[/font]
PUUUUULEEEASE, as if the speakers at the RNC were any better. The GOP apparently have never hear the phrase, "People in glass houses should not throw stones".

Kbob said:
Question: what freedoms have US citizens given up the last 4 years? I hear a lot about it, but I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about exactly.

Well, maybe the freedoms I'm referreing to have not been completely lost (yet), but they certainly are eroding..... and will further under Bush:

Freedom to move about or outside the country (been through an airport or crossed a border lately?).

Freedom from unreasonable search & seizure, rights to privacy.

Freedoms of speech (the FCC fiasco is a prime example). <-THAT whole thing is another sore point w/ me..... I'll save it for another thread

Freedoms of choice (abortion & life partners specifically)

Bush's whole tirade on "hit the terrorists over there before they hit us here" is a "shoot first, ask questions later" arrogant attitude. Would you like all of our Police departments to adopt the same policy? How about some of our "allies" abroad? Just because they are our friends today don't mean that at some point they may become "suspicious" of the US, would their pre-emptive invasion of US soil be "justified" using the same mentality?

It amazes me how easy some people can find comfort in a certain idology that, when viewed with the "shoe on the other foot" they would be appalled. If you cannot walk a mile in your opponents / enemy / neighbors' shoes to see clearly both sides of the issue (a major fault of the GOP campaign IMO), how can one feel they are truly qualified to lead?
JohnnyBz00LS said:
PUUUUULEEEASE, as if the speakers at the RNC were any better. The GOP apparently have never hear the phrase, "People in glass houses should not throw stones".

I'm not sure what you're referring to there, but I will agree that the Republicans as a whole are no better than the Democrats as a whole at disparaging comments.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Well, maybe the freedoms I'm referreing to have not been completely lost (yet), but they certainly are eroding..... and will further under Bush:

Freedom to move about or outside the country (been through an airport or crossed a border lately?).

Yes I have, and I understand why it takes longer in an airport now with the very real danger we face due to the 9/11 attacks. Is there another alternative? I don't consider this an erosion of my freedom, however, just an inconvenience.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Freedom from unreasonable search & seizure, rights to privacy.

Do we not still have those rights? I believe that unreasonable searches & seizures do not happen to law-abiding citizens of the U.S. without prosecution of the responsible law enforcement officials and depts. I'm sure there are exceptions to this. Now if you're talking about looking through my suitcase before I get on a plane or something, that is not unreasonable due to 9/11.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Freedoms of speech (the FCC fiasco is a prime example). <-THAT whole thing is another sore point w/ me..... I'll save it for another thread

I don't know what you're talking about so I look forward to that thread.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Freedoms of choice (abortion & life partners specifically)

The abortion issue is a HIGHLY volatile issue that I am hesitant to address. So I will try to be extra-sensitive. The pro-abortion stance is that a woman has a right to do anything to her body that she wants to. I agree with this. The anti-abortion stance is that abortion is killing a fetus or an un-born child. I agree with this as well. Abortion as a form of birth-control is really what all the hubbub is about. We can toss out the abortion for medical reasons and in case of rape and incest since that is only a very small percentage of abortions. I don't have a problem with allowing these kinds of abortions, and neither does the vast majority of the public. We live in a society where birth control is readily available in all forms and for FREE. I would sympathize a little more with people for abortion if they weren't so opposed to late-term partial-birth abortions. I don't want to get graphic, but just spend 5 minutes researching what it really is and almost anyone will see just how horrible it is. Those types of abortions are also a very very small percentage of abortions. Having said all that, politically speaking I seriously doubt if abortion rights has any chance of being repealed. The number of votes just aren't there in congress or in our country as a whole. Bush knows this, too, so there is no real danger of that "right" going away.

And as far as "life-partners" are concerned, homosexuals (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong) already have the right to live with each other. So any law granting them any special rights would be an increase in rights and not an erosion. There is no talk of making homosexuality illegal, especially since that would have no chance of passing as well.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Bush's whole tirade on "hit the terrorists over there before they hit us here" is a "shoot first, ask questions later" arrogant attitude. Would you like all of our Police departments to adopt the same policy? How about some of our "allies" abroad? Just because they are our friends today don't mean that at some point they may become "suspicious" of the US, would their pre-emptive invasion of US soil be "justified" using the same mentality?

Police depts do go after criminals in raids or serving arrest warrants or whatever. Iraq was not a "shoot first . . ." situation like has been claimed by many. There was a very lengthy negotiation process involving the UN and Iraq before it even started. Questions were being asked and Saddam wasn't answering metaphorically speaking.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
It amazes me how easy some people can find comfort in a certain idology that, when viewed with the "shoe on the other foot" they would be appalled. If you cannot walk a mile in your opponents / enemy / neighbors' shoes to see clearly both sides of the issue (a major fault of the GOP campaign IMO), how can one feel they are truly qualified to lead?

This is a fault of the majority of people, republicans AND democrats included. I have attempted to show another side of the points you have brought up and trust that you will respect them in the spirit of your last paragraph.
I thought Michael Reagan said it best at the convention. Thank God he had pro-life birth parents and pro-adoption real parents (Ronald and Nancy Reagan).

I just got back from seeing President Bush in Milwaukee today. The place was rocking. More like deafening inside.

Outside, the wackos on the left were in full force. I truly feel sorry for these people. There were the clean water people there, the ABB (anybody but Bush) people, the 4 more Wars people, the America are Occupiers people. I just feel sorry for them. But I have to admit, they are very entertaining. I had to stand in their midst and I actually had a couple of good civil conversations.

The best one was with a progressive guy who did not want Kerry but felt Kerry was the less of 2 evils. He may wind up being one of the many I predict will change their vote in the booth. Man, I still have not found a person that supports Kerry. Very strange election indeed. I think alot of people are saying they are against Bush, but when they get in the booth, they will vote their safety.

I was also pleasantly surprised to hear that the Milwaukee Police and Fire Departments endorse President Bush. I was talking to a Milwaukee cycle cop who had the inside of his luggage lid plastered with Bush/Cheney stickers. The crowd went crazy when he lifted it up.

Bush's best line was when he said to the Milwaukee County Executive named Scott Walker, "you keep up the good work and they'll start calling you (W)Dubya."
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